yes. i am :)
okay! it begin with a BAD STORY about our Dance which got cancel suddenly.
it was DEPRESSING seriously..
we've prepared for the dance for Sunday morning event on Dataran..
For Cuti-Cuti Malaysia event~
we've studied the whole 8 dance!
Joget, Chacha, Sumazau, Indian, Santubung, Sewang, Siam, and Zapin! :D
but then.. suddenly on Friday.. the Leader whose been teaching us all the dances,
just because
the Director of Matriculation said the procedure is not well done!
OHMAYGOSH what the heck kan? =.=
and then they said there's no insurance or something..
mygosh. we practiced hard for it! till 11.00PM!
all the preparation for it i.e the shirts is DONE, the buses is BOOKED
the FOOD is prepared.. wat laaaa :X
and they just cancel it just because of INSURANCE.. waaah
whatever laa.. by gone be by gone..
end of story.
so then since on Sunday i got no plans.. i get to go home
went home on Saturday morning..
OHMYCLUMSYNESS.. i got no idea how can i fall there??
BADLY! by evening it worsen and the pain is UNBEARALE.. frankly speaking,yes
so my dad bought a bandage to wrap it so itll be better tmr..
it got better by morning.. and went to the clinic and alhamdulillah it just spraigned.
NOTHING serious, fuuuuh~
it got better already after ate some painkillers the doctor gave~
thankyou doctor,, waahh i went home to greet my parents from hajj
and i made them pay for my meds~ thankyou abah and mama ♥ sayang mereka
its all good now.. i got 1 day MC for today.. and on Tues is a public holiday
so technically i got 2 days off! :DDD
but in worried for leaving my lectures! :S
hope i won't be far behind :) insyaAllah~!
so those who worried..
SORRY! and Thanks for ur concerns! sayang laa kamu semua lebih :)
im good now! SeMaC peeps, see you on Tues or maybe Wed! :D
p/s: my clumsyness is BAAAAACK! :X