Monday, December 26, 2011

Exam is around the corner. :|

It's already MONDAY! I promised an update last week! Oh well. Here it is!

As you can see, if its Monday, then, STUDY WEEK STARTED! OH NO! I shouldn't be sitting around doing nothing plus onlining right now! NOO. Well I've been sick for the past few days. I'm okay now, I guess, Alhamdulillah! :D I'm currently at home, in Serdanng! Woot. Okay only for awhile. Will be back to Melaka by tonight. I've got to go back to the hostel fast, and study! No matter what happend, I have to study, seriously. I seriously don't touch books at home. 

Home for de-stressing 
So my first paper is on 4th of January 2012. 2012? Its next year laa. Don't worry laa. Hek mu next year. Bape hari je lagi -.-" *worryworryworry*. The last paper is on 14th Jan. I have to study hard to make my parents proud. VERY proud. I know that I can do this! :D So to all degree students that are having their finals this January! I wish you all BEST OF LUCK! InsyaAllah, together we'll succeed. Amin. 

It's not really a proper update but, it is something right? I couldn't do those diary-like posts for now. I'm quite occupied with other things. Haha. I don't know why, but I just cant blog too often for now. But I'll try my very best to update. Once or twice a week maybe? :) Thanks for reading! I love youu, my dear readers! <3

The weather is a mess right now, take care and stay healthy peeps! :D
Assalamualaikum ! 
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wordless wednesday IX

me miss you girlfrend. :') 
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bawak keluar vacuum.


Huhu sebab blog ni dah lama ditinggalkan, kena la bawak keluar vacuum bersihkan sikit. Siann blog ni, berhabuk gara-gara tuannya tak jenguk dan update. Sebenarnya dah start untuk mem-busykan diri. Sebab final dah nak dekaaatt. :O *expressionshot* haha macam cinetron indonesia pulakk. Okay la, sebab dah lama tak update, banyak benda yang nak diceritakan. Serius. Rabbit Serius. Pinjam eh Kucing. :3 HEHE.

So last update apa? Tengok? Tu pun dah lupa. Nampak sangat tak bukak blog ni dah lama -.-"
*check blog sendiri,*

Ohh, Maal hijrahh. :D Tu pun 27th November, sekarang ni dah 11th December :O! Shiannn nya blog ni. T_T. Tapikan, yang amazing nya, Alhamdulillah, walaupun blog ni dah usang sebentar, still ada lagi yang jenguk dan baca entri-entri kat blog ni *terharu*. Lagi2 tengok traffic still bergerak and followers pun dah bertambah! HUHU Terima kasih semuaa sebab sudi jenguk blog yang tak seberapa ni :D

Okay dah habis dengan sesi terharu

Kawan saya yang accident aritu, Alhamdulillah, dia beransur pulih. Dah balik Terengganu dah. :( Taktau bila nak jumpa dia balik. Huhu. Sediihhhh. Semoga pulih sepenuhnya, dan jaga diri baik-baik ye Naqib? Haha macam dia baca je blog ni -.- HEH.

Oh Oh! Sebab dah December kan! Lupa lakk. WELCOME DECEMBER *lambat11hari*

HUHU, Birthday manusia berderet bulan December ni! 6Dec, Ain Farhan, 7Dec: Haizrina Anis. 8Dec:  Kakak tersayang, Aine Izzati. Haha dah dapat makan Seoul Garden terus panggil kakak tersayaang. Poyo. Haha serius sedaap gila okay! HAHA. Pastu beli cool blog pulaak. :D 9Dec: SHINee's- Choi Min Ho. Haha perlu ke? HAHA.

Okay post ni panjang taau. *warning*- dah nak abes baru nak bagitau HEHE.

Akhir minggu lepas balik Selangor, sebab pegi MNET LIVE! Huhu. BESST. Agak kecewa dengan setting konsert tu. Tapi diorang awesome gilaaaa. :D Haha ada Miss A, B1A4!! argghh BARO was sooo cute okay!? SUPER CUTE! :3 blonde. F(x) Krystal takdaa, diorang cantik sangat! :D Huhu, last sekali SUPER JUNIOR, Heechul pulak takda, pergi Military kan? :'( Masa suju keluar je, SEMUA yang duduk start berdiri. HAHA GILA COOL OKAY *_*

Final exam nak dekat pun sempat lagi tengok concert kan Aine? -.-" Hehe.

Disebabkan final nak dekat, so saya tak balik weekend ni, kerja pun banyak, dengan study lagi. Cakap macam buat semua je. Hahaha. Tapi sibuk la. Haha petang tadi, pegi main bowling kat MIBC! HOHO. SAYA MENANG okay? :3 *bangga* Okay padahal markah tak banyak punngg. Seronokk. :D

Oh oh and harini GERHANA BULAN, Subhanallah! Cantik gila okay? :D

 -ihsan tumblr- HAHA.
Okay itu saja. 
Assalamualaikumm dan selamat malam semuaaa! :D
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Salam Maal Hijrah. :D


Dah masuk tahun baru ikut kalendar Islam. Satu empat tiga tiga hijrah. Kena mulakan azam baru. Jangan malas-malas belajar lagi. Cuba berdikari sendiri sikit. Huhu. Kena kuatkan ibadah. Kurangkan bermain. Fokus kena lebih. Kurangkan makan HAHAHA! Kurangkan online -.-". InsyaAllah.

Huu, sempena Maal Hijrah ni, ada majlis pertunangan abang. Gambar taktau kat siapa huhu. Sebab saya tertinggal DSLR kat Melaka. Bagus betul. So, tengah hari gerak pergi rumah sebelah. Sampai, bincang2 pantun2 pastu, sarung cicin.Tangkap2 gambar, makan, pastu lepak2 kejap. Pastu balik. Huhu tu je. :3 Tahniah abang, dah tunang dah diaa huhu :D Semoga berkekalan sampai kahwin nanti :) InsyaAllah. Amin.
Friday, November 25, 2011

Home for the weekend.

Yesterday, i went to the hospital to visit my classmate who had an accident 2 days ago. He's condition is quite bad, but he's stable. Let's pray hard for his recover. InsyaAllah. Amin.

So, today got no class. I arrived Serdang yesterday night! Hee. Today I went Sunway Pyramid with my little sister! Its been awhile since we hang out together. We did nothing actually. Haha! Wanted to catch a movie, but the seats are selling fast. So we had lunch at Wendy's! The burger was HUGE and delish. :D The chilis too! Huhu. Me love Wendy's but it's kinda expensive. So after lunch, we just walk around the mall. Wanted to buy the sneakers at Forever 21 and a long skirt at Cotton On. But I didnt. -.- Second thoughts. Maybe later. Huhu. After walk around, went home, since the little sis banyak sangat penyakit, macam2 betul. Haha. Arrived home, and online, online, dinner, online, up till now. HAHA! That was my day.

Assalamualaikum and take careee! :D
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hitam Kuning Hitam Kuningg!


Harimau Malaya, mengaummm. :D
Saya pergi tengok match Final SEA GAMES Malaysia VS Indonesia. Malaysia menang 5-4. WOOOOTT. Masa tengok match kat bawah tadi, Ya Allah. Malaysia naik nak serang pun diorang sorak macam gila-gila punya! Haha apetah lagi bila GOL! Hahaha boleh pokak tinge eden. -.- Haha. Kitorang tengok stress gila kot, biasa lah perempuan excited dia lebih sikit. #ToBeHonest. Haha yang tak boleh bla masa last2 tu dua2 side dapat gol, tapi dua dua punn offside. GAHHAHA. Khairul Fahmi la terbaikk. :D Hehe. Tapi kesian Baddrol asyik kena baling je -.- dia dah la macam lidi. But last, dia yang dapatkan gol tu. REZEKI KOT gol centu! Alhamdulillah! TAHNIAH MALAYSIAA! Sangat berbaloi tengok live tadi, dari mula sampai habis kot! Frankly laa, saya ni bukan meminat bola sangat pun. Ni pun first time tengok sampai habis. Terus nak jadi fan ni. HAHA! =.= Okay mungkin tak la KIPAS SUSAH MATI sangat kan. Bangga gila ngan Team Malaysiaaa. AUMMMM.

Tu je laa, Tahniah Malaysia. Sekarang, nak makan ubat yang bergunung tu, pastu tidur. Esok kelas pukul 10am. Oh tak cuti tau esok. Untuk pengumuman UMUM. HAHA. Selamat malaaam! Assalamualaikumm.
Monday, November 21, 2011

A trip to the clinic.

Assalamualaikum and good evening peeps. :)

So, since I've been sick for a more than a week already, my mum asked my brother to send me to the clinic. Me don't fancy clinics, because doctors always give lots of medicine! Sangat pemurah when it comes to medicine LOL. Uh uh, the clinic's gadgets are so high class. Haha. They uses the temperature gun, instead of the ear temperature thinggy haha. It was so cool. Haha or maybe saya yang jakun -.-.

Colourful pills! :D haha! -.-
Okay whatever it is, the medicine was alot! I didn't know I was having fever, yet the doctor prescribe me with HUGE FEVER PILLS that have to be taken 2pills for 3 times a day! -.- 2pills okay? Haha seriously doctor? Maybe my temperature was high according to the gun? :O So other medicines are, flu, coughing mixture, sore throat candy- this one's nicee. Hahaha! And lastly huge antibiotics pills, shocking orange colour, loving the colour, hating the taste -.-" Letak je kat lidah rasa tak sedap gilaa! Okay, I'm so lifeless, I even list all the medicine that I'm prescribe with. Haha.

I didn't go to class today, the doctor was kind enough to give me a MC for today. Only. Yeaay! =.= Haha! Well then, I have to get off and continue studying mechanics, having Test 2 this Wednesdaaaay. CUAK. Need to score Test 2 since my carry marks are so low. -.-" Wish me LUCCK! And take care all.

Assalamualaikummm! :D
p/s: sesungguhnya penyakit itu penghapus dosa.
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Me want theseee ♥

A pair of Converse sneakers. ♥
Beats, by Dr. Dre 

That headphone by Dr Dre looked so COOOOLL. HAHA!
Oh and and, I'm searching for Curve 4's casing. I think they haven't release the unoriginal ones. The original ones are so expensive! Haha. Me want those cute and cheap ones. LOL. But I have expensive taste. -.- It's because anything that I touch in a Mall, look at the price tag, and.... WALK AWAAYY. Hahaha! My sisters are no different! :P But I prefer those that looked expensive, but very cheap! YEAH! That's how you SUPPOSED to shop! LOL.

One fact about me that, I buy things because it's CUTE! HAHAHA. Don't really care about the function sometimes! HAHA! I suck. But, when I want to buy something, I often get second thoughts. Especially when I'm buying for myself, using my own money. Haha kedekut dengan diri sendiri. But when I'm in the SHOPPING mood, if I have money, I will just buy the things that get my attention. It's bad I know. Haha but onlyy sooomeetimees. *innocent face* 

But, seriously, me like cute and colourful stuffs! Ngeh.
Anyone want to give me these? LOL :3 

That's all, Assalamualaikumm, and have a nice daay!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hello! I'm Back! :D

Assalamualaikuumm :D
So! How's my readers doing lately?
I guess I've been away from this blog for quite a long time already, I'm sorry,
I just don't know what to post sometimes. LOL. And the main thing is I'm lazy of course. It seems that this blog still have some readers, even if I'm not updating. *Since chatbox got some messages :D
So I seriously need to keep on updating this blog from time to time.

What's new?
Haha I got myself a Blackberry lately, was my birthday present! :D I didn't mention it last time. Hehe. Those that knows me, and I know you, haha feel free to ask for my BBpin! So, I can BBM you! :D Free maaahh. Haha. Been using for almost two months now. This thing is good for social networking! Highly recommended. *promote*

How's my life going?
So faaaarr, it's okay~ Alhamdulillah. Im not feeling that well, been coughing alot, and started to sneeze awhile ago LOL. Last week, I lost my voice completely, but it started to came back. When I was voiceless my brother said this "Aman dunia sikit kau takda suara" Haha! -.- It's actually true. Because I am so NOISY *hashtag* to be honest. Haha. Been hanging around in twitter a lot, seriously. I have no life. HAHA!  It's going well with the study. Im actually staying at my hostel for this weekend! First time okay? haha. Cried. Like seriously -.-" I suck. Well, part of me wanted to stay and study, part of me want to go home. Dilemma. So I cried. Tak paham? Tak paham sudah.

So, its the 2nd week of November already! I didn't do a proper update for like one month! Haha poor blog got abandoned alot. Final is getting nearer by seconds. It's creeping me out. Lots of thing to study, with so little time. But insyaAllah, I'll get through this. :D I just have to keep on studying and do exercise. Yes, I'm lacking of exercises, fitness and also the brain LOL. I'm very lazy, you see. It's hard to see me to be hardworking ngeh. Need to change this A.S.A.P.

Now, my mission is, to do lots of exercises. Also have to keep on updating this blog with anything that i could think of LOL. #notetoself.

Take care of your health peeps, the weather is really bad.
Drink lots of water! #notetoselftoo.

Assalamualaikum, and goodnight! :D

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Weee, holidays!

Ngeh ngeh ngeh
Started mid semester break! WEEE! Throws confetti ! YEAH!

I'm blurr right now, I have no idea what to write. =.=
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Life is not always easy.


I've abandoned this blog for awhile due to the same problems LOL. Wifi connection, and the laziness. Quite occupied with a lot of things to handle. A month and a half, I've been living as a University student. This job is not easy. There's a lot of problems I've go through. A LOT. It's very tiring, and stressful. I know that life is hard. That problems have to be solved, not to be run away from. I'm handling my problems quite well. I think. I know there's misunderstanding, but I know it'll be fine. But, for those are living in a simple life, easy life. ACCEPT IT. There's problems in this WORLD. Don't be judging people bluntly. Humans tend to make a lot of mistakes. A LOT. That's how they learn. Please don't give them hard time. When they already having hard time without you giving them those. You think, everything must be in a problem-free zone? NO. I said, no. What ever problem that you're having or may come, its a test. From Allah SWT. We just have to be prepared for everything that may come. Be strong when facing it. Take them as a challenge. I'm not strong myself, I know. I'll fall without support. That's what family and friends  are for. Support each other.

Not all humans, have this kind of mindset. I know, and I've seen infront of my eyes. Humans that I know, most of them, think only for themselves. MY DEAR FRIENDS. What you're doing are WRONG! I've never seen a human like that person, so selfish. In studying you cant be success alone. It's a group-hard-work! ITS NOT INDIVIDUAL! It is if you go and get your OWN PRIVATE TUTOR. Then, it will your own success~ GET IT? One class, must united. Be successful together, not alone! For those who think ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE. You may fill up the drop-out form. WHAT? YOU THINK YOU'RE SO GREAT ah? Haih. We have to consider those friends that are not strong in studies. Not all students have the same brain. We are humans, with different talent. Mentang2 amik Mechatronics, ingat kitorang ROBOT ke? -.- Dah terkeluar ke-BM-an saya.

For everyone, be united, don't stay in particular groups. Ask around, ask for help. The strong ones, should help others. Since they have advantages. Share your knowledge with everyone. Then you'll be blessed. What ever happend, the effort if the most important thing. Win or lose, is another story. Allah Maha Adil. Enjoy this video!

That's all for now, Assalamualaikum!
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Siapa nak follower banyak! Baca!


Rasa cam nak troll. NGEH NGEH.
Jangan amalkan, lebih baik rendam kepala dalam kepala tandas ;)

Yes, im a procrastinator. Kerja banyak tapi..............

Different brains.

Assalamualaikum. :)

Since most of our friends just got into Universities, I've read and encounter so many complaints. The same problem most of us have right now is the MIND. Different people have different colours. Addition we're university students. We meet lots of new humans. From different places, atmosphere, surrounding, and also background. This is where, different kinds of CHARACTER exists. First thing first, don't judge a book by it's cover. When you meet new people, do not speak like you've knew them for months. Me and my friends are open-minded, most of them are. But some of other humans tend to no be open. Lots of my peers are having a slight problem adapting with new people like these. It is hard, yes, I'm having the same problem to be honest. But! The thing is, they don't know you much, yet. So, just be yourself in adapting. BE YOURSELF. NOT BE THEM. There are some people, trying to be someone else. JUST to make friends, or POPULAR? I'm not sure la why. I call them HIPPO.

Even if your thinking is not the same as others, just let them be! Stick to your own mindset! Don't let other people change it. Its a big world. What do you expect? All of them have the same attitude and character as you? They think alike? NOOO. Not as you think. There are some, but not all. Sometimes, this person say that. That person say this. You got insulted for nothing. Being too friendly, they got weird out. Being too shy, they say you're arrogant. Bla bla bla. There's always something wrong somewhere. Humans. Just remember anything happend, be strong and just let it be. Because they don't get you, yet.

Most people, judge others easily. I do too. But we have to know them first, know them throughly. Be alert, observant. Judging people is not easy lol. Okay. I know I sounded like a stalker, haha. I am anyway. Hihi. Don't take anything seriously at first. If you can't even take jokes, a bit hard laa. But take in counting that, there are sensitive people out there. Don't just go bluff something hurtful to them =.=". There's so many things to take account to mix with new people. Its not easy but at least try to avoid sensitive issues that can make things bad. Like i said, different people, different character, different brain, different thinking. Making new friends are fun, not abusive. Set your mindset, and FLYY haha! What am i writing. -.- Sleepy already. HAHA. 

This is jus an advise from me to you all out there. Dont just judge other people badly. Always think positive. For example a person that never greet or say anything to you, just think that "ohh maybe she/he's a shy person. Maybe she/he's sick or something." Stay positive. Eh, 'sick' tu for sakit okay, not gila =.= Later got misunderstanding pulak. Suddenly got BM at the end. Sleepy already I'll end it. Conclusion, be free in making friends but be careful on how you approach a person. Stay positive. Stay with your mindset, dont change it for others, let others understands you. It'll take time but dont worry, u have a lot. I know I mumble a lot, but i hope, this is helpful, somehow. I seriously hope so! Haha.

Oh yeah! SMILE laa. People smile at you, just smile back laa. No need to be so arrogant.
:D see? It's not hard pun.

Assalamualaikum, and goodnight all! :D
Saturday, October 8, 2011

New things are fun.


Assalamualaikum. :)
I've got no better idea for the title but, yeah! New things are fun! LOL I sounded so materialistic, well, I'm a girl, its normal right? No? haha FINEE. The word NEW only stays for awhile for everything. Everything will become OLD. Ahh remind me of Steve Jobs. He's a great person in technology world. Every single person in the world knows him. Twitter keep on having trends about him on the day he died. Yes, he died my dear fellow friends, if you still don't know. Fighting of cancer? Was it? Correct me if I'm wrong. He was the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive of Apple Inc. Was also Pixar's chief executive okay? Who don't know what Pixar is, you're not living in this world. =.= haha.

So now! Done with the iSAD part. As you can see, I've change my blog template. The few that compliments, thank you. :)

This weekend suppose to have a club activity, hiking to a Waterfall in Pahang. I didn't sign up for it, and didn't get to go. Because i have another test next week. A harder one, BMCG. A mechanical subject. And I know its not surprising, that I still havent study a thing about it. Hihi. I'll start tonight, or tomorrow maybe? Its all FORCES and evil kind of stuff, where the torque, tension, equilibrium etc have to be calculated. =.= Not liking this subject that much. Haha. But I've got to do my very best for the MARKS! :D Targeting on getting dean list for this semester. InsyaAllah. Thinking on joining the Frisbee team too. But still haven't fully decided about it. LOL

Just now, in the afternoon. Misses camwhoring with photobooth so I open the camera. Then! Started to camwhore by myself. And soon, my housemates and I started to go crazyy camwhoring. We took picture with every effect available! LOL. At the end there was 100+ pictures that we took. Haha. It's great to have crazy housemate, but I know, I will always be the craziest. Ngehehe. I don't think they get me just yet. Haha. But they're okay :)

That's it for now. Assalamualaikum~ :D

JYEAH, new template.

Hihi, succeed on applying and edit some bit of this template!
The final result is a simpler layout. I'll stick with this for now. Now, im dead tired. Will do a proper update soon :)


p/s: the header is from someone, i should credit him/her. But i forgot what was the person's name. Anyway, thanks! :D
Monday, October 3, 2011

Sebab esok takda kelas.

Saya tahu ramai yang jeles kan kan kan? kalau tak! Jeles jugakk. Eh lupa bg salam! Assalamualaikumm :). Dapat jugak update lagi, kesian sangat kat blog ni. Dah la bosan, usang pulak tu kalau tak update. SHIAN dia. Haha tak boleh bla. =.=" Padahal nak update amenda ni pun tak tau lagi. Haha poyo je. Tak pe! Semangat tu yang penting. Okay kawan kawan? Haha.

Gembira benau budak ni takda kelas esok, padahal hari Rabu ada test Beke. -______- Takpe! Esok kan freeee. Belajar esok laa, insyaAllah. Sebab tak tau nak update apa, nak update pasal KMS! Hihi. Rinduu tahuu? :3 Tengok picture lama2, lagi bertambah tambah rindu. Dulu semua sekepala je. Sekarang dah kat tempat lain, cara pun jadi lain sikit. Sikit la. Mungkin sebab baru lagi, tak kenal lagi semua orang, jadi macam bertambah rindu dengan budak2 KMS yang bengong2. Boleh dikatakan 'CULTURE SHOCK' ah jugak. Culture shock amenda tah saya pung tak tahu. HAHA.

Jadi, kena lah, berkenalan dengan classmate semua dulu baru okay la kot. Kot je la. =.= Tapi serius rindu gilaaaa budak matriks. Diorang sangat happening. Petang2 mesti penuh padang tu ngan manusia. Squash court pun kena ambik nombor giliran centu. Eh mana ada pun. HAHA. Metafora tu. Jadi macam best laa kehidupan kat matrik walaupun kerja asyik balik rumah je memanjang. Huhu. Nak buat cane, dah sayang sangat kat rumah tu kan? :P

Dan dan cakap best sekarang, dulu stress sangat duduk matriks tu. Nak balik jee. Sekarang baru nak perasan duduk KMS adalah pengalaman yang paling best. Serius, Rabbit comel. HAHA! Kucing Serius, jangan marah. Eh Hairil! aku baru perasan kat gambar2 kms, aku jumpa kau jadi creeper kat gambar tu, masa War of the band LOL! Sempat lagi tinggalkan pesanan kat sini. =.="

oklah, sebelum bertambah merapu, baikk saya beredar! Selamat malam. Oh oh! Untuk pelajar PMR! Goodluck korang! Semoga berjayaa. Doa banyak2, solat hajat! :) 8A boleh dapat tuu. InsyaAllah.

Asalamualaikum :)

p/s: post tak bergambar, sebab internet lembab sangat takleh upload =.="
Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's October already?

Because this picture looked COOL, I put it here LOL
I've only update 3 times for September's entry. :( I am super sorry for my readers, since I've been 'quite' busy since University started. There's this and that. My October resolution is to still update regularly despite the busy-ness. Hopefully. I will definitely try my best to get this blog updated.

I know this picture somehow not related to this post LOL 
So, if you ask me, how University life? How's the study? Firstly I'll answer, so far, Im doing well regardless that I've been not step my parents house in Selangor for almost 3 weeks and still in counting. But thanks to my housemates, they're can be labelled as awesome that made me survive the life here in Melaka. Not just that, its also because my sister is nearby, duhhh. Untunglaah kan kan?. :P

Waahhh, proud to hear Aine stops her tradition on going back home every weekend, don't you? Haha okay, poyo. Last weekend i had a club program so i didn't go back home, and this weekend my mum and Eda came here to Melaka! But now, they went to visit my little sister already. Next week, also, not going home to Selangor, since my family is coming here to Melaka for my brother's shift from Kolej Mara Kulim to Kolej Professional Mara Melaka. Yeah, as you can see, most of my family is in Melaka already. Even my relatives are here. :D

So next! How's my study? It's going well since, so far, everything that Im learning now is just the basics of everything. The challenging parts have yet to come. I will study as smart as i can. And built A PINK COLOURED MEGATRON! LOL. Dream to. I have to keep surviving. Waahh say so much, right now, I actually supposed to study, have a test next Wednesday~ Electronic Device and System's test. Its weird that the tests are being done at night. Well have to get used to it then. :)

Assalamualaikum, and happy October all :)

p/s: I know the pictures are weird and not related. I just like those pictures and put it randomly LOL.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Supposed to be wordless isn't it? But! I want more WORD now, since its been a long time since I update this blog with anything. Anyone missed me? Of course there are! HAHA okay, gedik. =.=

SO! Im now, officially, a student from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, majoring in Mechatronics Engineering. :) So far i've been studying the same thing as what in matrics and previous education. There's also some topics that i just discovered~ Now, I've even sorted which is my favourite and lease favourite subject. Well of course, its a secret :P but obviously some of you know. Haha. Its the 3rd week! The subjects is starting to get complicated. I will keep on catching up and try my very best, for once. Yes, i never studied my heart out before. I always love to play more. Obviously i wont be just studying only laa, InsyaAllah, if there's free time I'll take part for the club's activities. But, actually, i have the most free time among my housemates. Im the only person who's in Electrical Faculty, others are all in Communication Faculty.

Oh yeah! I went to an event that the club I registered in did. Its a Recreation and Extreme Games Club (KeReX). It was FUN! The event was to give a guide on basics on 5 elements, which are Paintball, Frisbee, Cycling, Hiking and Wall Climbing. It was seriously something new for me, well except for Frisbee la! Its very tiring, it started at 9:00am and ended at 10:30pm. Started with a briefing of the event and started with 3 first elements. MAKAN SOLAT. And then another 3 elements. Makan Solat. MINI GAME. And last after Maghrib prayer there's JAMUAN RAYA! Hihihi EAT EAT EAT :D I think I wrote more EATING than the program LOL. Anyway, since I started living here in Melaka, my eating habit has GROWN. =.=" Yeah i eat ALOT! DAYYUM ALOT okay? :O

I fell down the stairs yesterday, and my ankle is SWOLEN. =.=" Alhamdulillah it wa not that bad, it could be worse. I still can walk, and climb the stairs slowly. I should be more, i mean, EXTRA carefull next time! :D I have more to write, since I've been delaying to update this blog due to the "awesome-ness" of the hostel's WiFi LOL!
Anyway, That's all for now! Till next possst.

(p/s: quite interested on trying Blogger's new designs! It looked so cool, we'll see. :D)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It was great.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes! :D
I love birthday wishes.
Those who sms-ed, I've keep them saved in a folder!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Minggu Haluan Siswa.

Macam haram? Tak best? Fasi Melampau? Bosan?
OMAGAH. Mulut longkang gila. Tapi, memang sebahagiannya betul.
Ada kebaikan ada keburukan, universiti masih baru, jadi ada banyak lagi masa untuk meningkatkan kualiti MHS UTeM. Bukan la nak kata MHS UTeM teruk gila centu. Tapi mungkin sebab kitorang la kot jadi tak best? Mungkin? Huhu. Tak tahu la. Tapi yang best nya Y.B Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah Menteri Pengajian II, sangat seronok :) SEMPOI jewww. HAHA. Suka cara Y.B bagi ceramah.

Mula-mula, makanan yang disediakan, ada yang kata tak cukup, ada yang kata tak sedap, ada yang keracunan makanan? :O YES. Memang ada. Tapi, mungkin tak dapat nak elak benda2 cani kan. Bersyukur la, diorang dah sediakan makanan. Beratur bukan main panjang lagi. =.=" Ramai, standard la kan.
Sabau je le.

Fasi agak melampau dengan kata2. Tapi. Diorang la yang jaga kitorang semua. Tapi kalau boleh, next time, fasi jadilah lebih kreatif, ni LDK bosan gila. Nasib 3 kali je. Kalau buat hari2 macam sepatutnya memang ah. Fasi cakap pun malu2, slow slow. Cane tu? =___= Fasi kena bersifat menarik. Untuk menarik minat student, tambah keseronokkan waktu MHS. Tapi macam biasa2 je. Masuk2 dulu excited gila ada LDK. Tiba2 camtu je. Berkecai harapan. Haha ayat over the top sangat. Takpelah, cakap banyak pulak an, nanti biar saya je la yang jadi fasi :P haha BERANGAN.

Bas, okay ni tak dapat nak cakap apa2 sebab, bas memang LAMBAT. Tapi nak wat cane, budak dip lagi nak naik, jadi bab bas saya memahami. Tapi yang paling sakit, memang tunggu bas la. Padahal bak kata TNC UTeM universiti yang paling banyak bas. Bas banyak student pun makin banyak kan. Kena lah bersabar. Nak pegi kuliah nanti centu jugak la kot. Sebab hostel semua kat luar kampus. Nasib baik dapat hostel paling dekat ngan kampus. Senang hidup. Makanan je susah cari kat TTU3 tu. Pandai-pandai laa nanti cari kat mana2 HUHU.

Sesi bersama fakulti, GILA BEST! KJ Mekatronik, sangat2 best. DIA PANDAI MOTIVATE! Sampai dah motivate dah diri ni, padahal baru dengar taklimat dia sekejap je. :) Dia membuatkan tak sabar nak belajar tahu? Sangat awesome. Cuba bayangkan, kesemua student Mekatronik ada 90 orang, dari 90 orang tu, 9 je perempuan! HAHA. Jadi, KJ kata perempuan RARE SPECIES dalam kursus ni. Haha recessive. Semua lelaki kot. 9 orang perempuan 81 orang lelaki. FUUUHH. =__________=" satu geng je perempuan haha. Foreigners ada 6 orang lelaki semua. MEMANG LELAKI la semua. HAHA.

Subject yang ada sem 1 ni, BEKE BEKA BEKU BEKM BLHL BMCG. Hahaha paham ke? BLHL tu bahasa ketiga, amik JEPUUUN! YAY. Haha.

Tu je laa, mengantuk sudah.
Assalamualaikum. Selamat MALAM. HAHA
Monday, August 29, 2011

Bila Ramadan pergi..

Shawal tiba.

Que lagu raya!
Warnaa warniii di aidilfitrii!! lalalala
Suara sumbang nak nyanyi-nyanyi pulak kan? Sekarang sudah pun masuk Ramadan ke 29. Dan kemungkinan besar, kita akan menyambut Shawal pada hari esok. So! Saya disini ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Eh? Raya je? Taknak mintak ampun ke? Hihi. Juga ingin meminta maaf dari hujung rambut ke hujung kaki. :) Maaf zahir dan batin ye? Tak tau ke zahir ngan batin tu apa? HAHA! =__= sengaja nak memanjangkan post. Zahir tu, saya tertolak siapa2 ke jatuh berdebuk luka2 ke, atau pun kemalangan yang disebabkan oleh saya, ampun maaf dipinta. Kalau ada la, kalau takda pun mintak maaf jugak lah. Batin pulak, siapa yang tersentap, butthurt, tersinggung, menanggung masalah mental sebab melayan saya atau pun apa2 la perasaan yang tidak baik yang telah saya wujudkan di dalam diri korang ke kan, maafkan saya. Sesungguhnya besar pahalanya untuk kemaafan. Semoga Allah berkati anda semuaa hihi. :) EH KEJAP, asal post ni macam dah raya la pulak =.= TAKPE! Proceed.

Kepada yang akan pemandu untuk pulang ke kampung, jangan drive laju-laju. Bahaya. Lagi satu, nanti ada helicopter pasang siren suh perlahankan kenderaan, betul! Tak tipu. Ada orang berita cakap tadi :). Perjalanan harus selamat. Kalau dah tak boleh sangat nak bawak slow tu, kena sangat berhati-hati. Kat tv tu belum raya pun lagi, dah banyak kemalangan yang dah occur. So kita yang masih belum bergerak ke kampung lagi, harus mengambil ikhtibar~ boleh rakan-rakan? *adik-adikku InsyaAllah boleh!* haha teringat pulak =.=". Biar lambat asal selamat. Ingat keluarga yang tengah tunggu kat kampung sinun. Okay? InsyaAllah, selamat sampai. Amin.

Next. Makanan pulak. pendek je laa. Dah malas la pulak nak tulis berjele jele =..=. Rendang, ketupat, lontong, semua sedap2. Tahu la eksaited nak makan kan? Doa jangan lupa, tercekik kang nahas pulak =.=" Makan slow2 macam drive kete jugak. HAHA! Mesti banyak gila makan raya ni HUUUHUUU! Isk! Tak boleh betul cakap pasal makanan nanti loose control ah. Hihi.

nomnomnom nyumm dedaaapnyaa. :9

Merapu je banyak, sudah-sudahlah,
Saya Aine Ilina Binti Tarmizi, ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN, untuk semuaaa orang! Tak kira laa, Cina ke, India ke, :) Kita semua patut sambut sama2, kata SATU MALAYSIA? Dan saya hampir lupa, Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke 54! :)

Ni kira kad raya la untuk manusia-manusia ni:
Mama, Abah, Abang, Atie, Eda, Nani.
Azrul, Irynna, Rus, Siti, Farna, Hadi, Wawan, Lahh, Izmir, Athirah, Shakeera, Shafeeqa, Adilah, Ainan, Mahirah, Naim, Ain, Nabihah, Natra, Besar, Afiq, Mafarikha, Aisyah Liliana, Amalina Diyana, dan semuaa manusia yang bersekolah rendah dan menengah dengan AINE! :D
Alyaa, Shafira, Pika, Tikah, Puteri, Nurul, Habsah, Teddy, Hudzairi, Poiz, Shikin, Zue, Farah, Harith, Wafa, Peyuz, Bob, Muaz, Akmal, Daus, dan manusia KMS yang lain :)
Dan semuaaa manusia yang ada kat Semac Blogging Community tu.
Dan tidak LUPAAA~~. FOLLOWERS! <3

Assalamualaikum. :)
Thursday, August 25, 2011

A book I found.

When I was a kid, I used to believe...

A friend at school said that when you sneeze
you actually die for a split second.

When I was young, I used to believe
that R.I.P meant 'Return if Possible'.

I believe that steel wool
came from steel sheep.

My friend Peggy told me that if you stared
at the sun long enough you would go blonde.

I thought primadonna was actually pre-Madonna,
referring to a singer who made pop music in the
style that was common before Madonna became popular.

I was horrified when my first period
arrived: it wasn't BLUE like in the
commercials for sanitary napkins.

I thought that being sentenced to death
meant that you'd have to write the same
sentence over and over again until you died.

My brother told me that I was so ugly,
my parents had to pay people to stand behind mirrors
and pretend to be me, so that I wouldn't know the truth.
He said that this was why our family was poor.

These are some of the stories in this book. They are all the thoughts of kids, that had been compiled into a book. This book was bought by my sister who lived in Glasgow, Scotland 2 years ago. I never failed to laugh at these children thoughts. They are so imaginative and kind of straight? :) It's cute. Kids, they are silly and strange, sometimes misunderstands alot. Its amazing. Sometimes, we tell strange stories, they wont know the truth and yet believing in them. So CUTE! Reading these will brighten our days. We should stay imaginative as kids are. Its fun, and at the same time felt YOUNGER lol! And you can't just be serious all the time right? So! When you were a kid, what did you believe? Leave a comment about it, it'll be fun to share! <3
Saturday, August 20, 2011

One Hundred Followers ♥

Walking on red carpet. Paparazzi, pictures being taken. Chik chik chik. HEE.
Too imaginative, I MUST say :P

Yes, alhamdulillah I've gained 100 followers. :) Thankyou for the person who's following me privately. I can't do a proper review for you, since its PRIVATE But. T H A N K Y O U V E R Y M U C H. Not only to the 100th follower but EVERYONE that follows this blog. Without you all I wont gain this much. :) Its a crappy blog anyway. But I manage to get 100 followers! Da da daaaa! #soundeffect.

To my followers and especially the 100th follower:
But since the follower thinggy shows like this:

I will consider Mohd Ilham is also my 100th follower :D

So! I will try my best to keep on writing awesome things about my life, and some other things to keep this blog interesting. :) This blog is not just for myself, but for my followers too! Hope that you all will keep on reading this blog eventhough it is not a GREAT blog. I'll try to make it GREAT. :) InsyaAllah.
Thank you very much for all of your support. #smilingwide.

till a proper post :)
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bila pertama kalinya pergi jauh.

Hihi saya anak manja tak pernah hidup jauh dari rumah kesayangan ni. PALING jauh pun Banting, tu pun Selangor lagi okay? Huhu. Sebab tu sangat bersyukur dapat tukar kat Melaka, cane la hidup saya kalau pergi PERLIS nun disana tu? :') Alhamdulillah. Melaka takda la sebak sangat nak pergi sebab Melaka tu kampung saya. :D and and, kakak saya pun duduk sana. InsyaAllah boleh survive la kot. Oh oh, Siti Radiatul pun kat sana. And korang rasa panggilan Rabbit tu akan masih digunakan ke? Hihi

menari-menari sikit. Comel gila!

Nampaknya macam takda kenalan yang pergi Utem dapat BEKM. BEKM tu Degree untuk Kejuruteraan Mekatronik la, AWESOME kan nama dia? Macam Beckham. Ha Ha Ha. Tak lawak pungg! Sebab, CUAK nak belajar Mekatronik ni, saya tahu tak senang, and tahu pecah otak dan dan apa-apa la yang lain sedang merayau-rayau kat dalam otak ni. Dah lah untuk amik Ijazah Sarjana Muda. Tapi, belum cuba belum tahu kan?, dan, REDAH aje la. InsyaAllah boleh. Dan akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik. Kurangkan penyakit M yang selalu datang. Hihi.

sedihnyaa :'( #facepalm

Tapi, mesti homesick kan nanti? Mesti rindu Mama, haha! Padahal boleh je balik, atau Mama boleh je datang, hihi kan Mama kan? :P #gedik. Ye memang saya gedik haha. Saya la manusia yang keluar rumah paling lambat duduk asrama. Masa KMS tu first time berjauhan ngan family. Haha. Adik saya pun gila awesome, form1 dah masuk MRSM. (Y). Haha saya pun awesome, tapi Malas berlebihan ni ah jadinya :P. Abang ngan kakak2 pun masuk masa still sekolah menengah. Hihi saya je yang taat dengan rumah kesayangan ni dari umur setahun sampaaaiii 18tahun, baru masuk Matrikulasi. Hihi. Kalau tak dapat masuk matrik haritu dah dekat Kelantan dah sekarang ni buat Sc Comp.

Tahun Matrikulasi, serious sangat best. First day datang KMS, malam tu melalak sensorang dah entah kenapa =.=". Oh oh saya second intake. :) Tak kisah la, haha. Kawan2 yang dikenali dari kolej ni sangat awesome. Saya sayang mereka semua. Practicum, kuliah, kolej, sbc mates, :') they're treasures okay? Masuk matrik yang kat Banting tu pun selalu balik tak tahan duduk lama2, apekan lagi kat Melaka ni nanti oh? O.O haha! Lari pegi rumah kakak saya buleh? :P hahaha!

Apa apa pun, ada lagi yang dapat lebih jauh yang mereka sangkakan. So, I'll just consider myself lucky. Very LUCKY. :) Korang, yang nak fly, yang pergi jauh, yang pergi dekat, belakang rumah ke apa, untuk sambung degree ni, bersyukur la, sesungguhnya tak semua lepasan matrikulasi dapat sambung degree ni. JADI! Jom kita sama-sama berusaha gigih. SHOW WHAT WE CAN DO! JYEAH. InsyaAllah, Aine, kau jangan lalai pulak. MAIN JE TAHU. <-- note to self. Isk isk isk. Sekarang, saya nak mengucapkan goodluck kepada semua rakan-rakan, saudara mara, yang akan sambung degree, walau kat mana pun, SEMOGA BERJAYA. Belajar bersungguh-sungguh demi keluarga dan diri sendiri. Banggakan diri. Ingat Allah. InsyaAllah semua berjalan lancar. :D Tulus ikhlas dari Aine Ilina AKA Rabbit. ECECEH. HAHA!

Itu je nak bagitau satu dunia. :)
eh eh peringatan, jangan lupa niat puasa esok :D
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

wordless wednesday. VIII

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Challenge accepted!

Dengan ini, saya mengistiharkan pada 4 September 2011 ini saya dengan hati yang terbuka akan memulakan kursus ijazah sarjana muda di Universiti Teknikal Melaka.

Apa-apa pun, Alhamdulillah, Allah makbulkan hajat saya untuk bertukar universiti dari Universiti Malaysia Perlis, ke UTeM. YEAYY. Walaupun kursus Mekatronik sangat berat, saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk mendapatkan ijazah. Berjaya terbang dengan warna warni? :P

InsyaAllah, amin

Fuyooh tak percaya dah nak masuk universiti dah saya, lagi setengah bulan je. Dah TUA! :'( Mana ada orang makin muda ye tak? =.= Duduk Melaka jela lepas ni, siapa2 yang dekat2 datang la visit ye? :D

Monday, August 15, 2011

Kuih Raya ♥

Rajin tak kalau saya kata saya buat kuih raya semalam? :D RAJIN KAN? haha! Tipu je ni, jangan percaya! Huhu, semalam bangun je tidur terus kena pergi Giant beli barang. PFFT. Dah bangun tu entah pukul berapa dah la kan? =.=. Bangun je dah bau aroma kuih dalam oven yang sangat sedap. Haha. Jadi, ada beberapa barang2 yang takda kat rumah tu, Mama suruh la saya pergi giant tu sekejap beli barang.

Shopping List
  1. Tray biskut 4
  2. Bekas simpan kuih tutup merah
  3. Kertas alas kuih warna putih (Dolley papers)
  4. Acuan biskut besi-besi
  5. Buah betik
  6. Pisang =.= (eda nak makan cekodok)

Beli beli beli, ada laa spent Rm80+. Tray biskut tu yang paling mahal! :O nak buat macam mana, tu je yang ada. :P hihihi. #belitaktengokharga. Lepas dah beli semua tu, baliklah ke rumah dengan hati yang puas hati sebab semua barang ada kecuali buah betik digantikan dengan longan besar-besar sedaaap. Jadi sebenarnya siapa yang buat kuih ni? haha! Mama yang buat adunan, Eda yang membentukkan. Ada la jugak tolong sikit buat kuih semprit! Semalam dapat dua jenis kuih, satu kuih apetah tapi ada kacang. Lagi satu kuih Semprit la! Nak tengok gambar tak? HAHA ni haa. :D

Ini bukan SAYA yang BUAT, Eda yang buat, cantikkan?
nak order? HAHA!

Dah siap bakar! :D

tu yang kat belakang dalam bekas banyak2 tu, kuih kacang :D
dah lupa nama sebenar dia apa -.- bentuk bintang!

Kuih ni semua resipi Mama dapat belajar kat office dia. Dulu masa saya muda2 ada jugak la selalu buat kuih raya, setelah bertahun tak buat. Tahun ni buat balik kuih raya. =.= Cakap macam dia pulak yang buat kuih2 ni. hihi. Sampai sini sahaja la. Kang merapu tak tentu pasal pulak.

Assalamualaikum! :)
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Iftar Ramadhan

Two days straight, I had iftar with friends, firstly was with college friends. The next day with schoolmates. :) so first thing first, Assalamualaikum to all.

12 August 2011
I drove with Azrul to Alamanda Putrajaya, to fetch 2 little kids, haha, Puteri and Nurul. Its been awhile since we've seen each other. So! from Alamanda off we go to SUNWAY PYRAMID. It was raining heavily when I was driving, thank goodness i eat carrots#wink2. Fuuhh from Putrajaya to Sunway. OMAGAH so FAR! like seriously very FAR! Advise: don't go to Sunway Pyramid from Putrajaya, if you don't know the short way. =.=" But! we got there on time! YEAH. Meet up with Piqa and soon after Shikin. Then others start to show up. Kaiz, Alia, Teddy!, Habsah, Faris and his family, and Sarah. I didn't miss out anyone right? :D

Walk around for awhile, and off to the place Shikin booked for our break fast. HARTZ chicken buffet it is! :D Yeaah. CHICKEN! It was buffet and RM30 per pax! Its quite okay. But i prefer Seoul Garden HEHE. #pomot pomot!. So we eat eat eat eat. AND take picturesss! :D

So after walk around again with bloated stomaches lol.
We head home! I sent Puteri and Nurul safely, and I reach home. :D

13 August 2011
THE PLAN WAS FAILING. And we almost canceled it,due to some circumstances?. Is that a correct usage of word? LOL. Plus it was raining heavily~! agai
n. But, since we invited lots of humans already, so me and
Rus decided to just go with the plan. We all meet up at Kajang Toll, and convoy with 4 cars (or was it 5?) to the eating place! There was more people than expected. Haha, SUCCESS!

There was, 15 people! FIFTEEENN :D haha MERIAH GILA! :) We ate at The Nim's Little Island Cafe *pomot pomot. In Kajang. After the berbuka, went Alamanda for bowling! It was fun, because its been awhile since I bowl. Haha nak markah sama aje ngan Rus Azureen. Huhu. Huzaifah belanjaaa. Thankyou thankyou Huzaifah :D. Right after one game finishes, PICTURES!! chik chik chik.

Quickly head home. :)
It was great to hang out with ALL of them. :D
Lets Do It AGAIN? haha! #dahkenamarahdenganmamataklehkeluardah =.=

p/s: Thank You Azrul Hisham, accompanying me, driving, for two consecutive days! <3

That is ALL!
Assalamualaikum! :)

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