Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
tumblr ♥
"Cherish those you have in your life
because you never know when
they won't be there anymore"
Monday, June 27, 2011
okay tak tau nak post apa,
- Nama saya Aine Ilina bt Tarmizi
- Saya suka manusia panggil saya Aine
- Tapi kawan college panggil rabbit, tauu, sebab saya comel. *OOPPS perasan betul*
- Tiba2 saya menyampah pulak baca statement atas ni
- Tak sebenarnya, sebab saya bawak patung rabbit G.O.S dekat bahu saya kemana-mana saja masa kat college
- Haha saya tak suka minum kopi, sebab, semanis-manis kopi pun pahit jugak - teringat SEPAH
- Saya suka lollipop tapi, dah lama tak makan - ohh tetiba start craving
- SAYA PENDEK - ye saya mengaku tapi kakak2 saya semua lagi pendek muehehehe
- Saya SUKA SANGAT NICKNAME, selama hidup ni dah banyak daah~ :)
- Oh, soft toy yang ada biji-biji polystyrene dalam dia sangat AWESOME
- Saya SAYANG MAMA SAYA sgt2 <3
- Saya ada seorang abang, dua kakak, sorang adik perempuaann.
- OH saya ada banyak kawan, sayang mereka semuaa
- Oh saya ada Buah Hati jugaaak :P *mengada nak promote jugak =.=
- Saya suka tengok Drama korea dan juga Jepun, ANDA? :D
- Dulu saya boleh buat perfect split, tapi sekarang dah tua, eh tak, sebab tak practice dah tak boleh buat -.- BAIK TAK PAYAH TULIS.
- Ohhh yang talent ni baru jumpa, saya terer memanah kaum saya sendiri (BunnyShooter)
- Haha sengaja nak bagi tau satu dunia, padahal tak terer mana pun =.=
- MUAZ kata saya pembelot, sbb main BunnyShooter :P
- Hana Tajima Cantik
- Saya KETAWA banyak sangat sampai mama pun selalu marah.
- Saya suka CAMERA,
- Suka snap2 picture, terutamanya LANGIT
- Tau tak nak cari langit BIRU? Sir Wahidi ada ajaarr, Cari Matahari, pastu oppositenya langit biruu SANGAT2 <3
- Terima Kasih Sir Wahidi, banyak bagi saya ilmu photography yang PRICELESS! :)
- Saya suka STALK ORANG, siapa yang kena stalk tu, maaflah ye? :P
- K-pop BIAS saya SHINee
- Walaupun orang panggil saya RABBIT, tapi saya sukaaa saaangaaat makan DAGING
- Suka buat BBQ, *Kambing Black Pepper BAKAR* wuuuuuuuuuu SHEEDAAPNYA
- Tak fancy rings. Sebab saya pakai tak lawa. EH sebenarnya tak pakai sangat pun aksesori HAHA
- Oohh saya sangat eksaited kalau nampak Rainbow!
- Bunga kegemaran.. hmm TAKDA KOT. alaa lagipun semua Bunga pun cantik, nama pun bunga
- Kalau Buah pun samaa, semuaaa sedap bila ada COLEK hahahah!
- Baru saya perasan post ni sangat panjang. Mesti ramai yang bosan baca -.-
- Saya allergic makanan seafood, DAN dah lama saya tak makan Udang! :(
- LAST LAST! tak suka CICAK, eeeeeee =.=
itu sajaaa, haha bosan punya pasaaaaal :D
assalamualaikum! <3
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Okay, AimanAzlan posted a video about Islamic Dressing RULES!
and it RULES! You have to watch this really.
and it RULES! You have to watch this really.
I've been thinking alot lately after my ex-college did an event called Busana Muslimah
Busana Muslimah is actually, a fashion show for muslims, for girls to be exact.
Well they actuaally said that, being pretty is wrong, i mean like,
WHICH GIRL DOESN'T want to be PRETTY, am I right?
it got me thinking, and this video gave me the answer.
WELL, as you can hear and see in the video Aiman Azlan said
"Islam does not prohibited you from looking good and be fashionable"
But there is 3 steps he taught,
- Follow the Islamic DRESS CODE,
- Comfort
- Fashionable and Presentable :)
there's the reason to that, Aiman Azlan told us about it in the video though, watch :)
So, when I was searching for JOBS, in THIS MALL *the name is a secret of course*
#konon padahal pernah tulis dalam blog pasal tu =.=
I went to lots of store, where they told me, "hmm kalau nak kerja sini, tak boleh pakai tudung"
OH MY GOSH, try to imagine the girl told me was muslim herself,
TAK MALU KA? nak menambah lagi dosa orang? and! dah la cakap dengan confident dan sombong.
Then I asked another store, she's chinese, a very kind one :)
and said 'the manager don't allow workers to wear *points at my head*'
well, this chinese girl is better, she understands and told me kindly..
not to be RACIST here , but come on -.- why does "workers can't wear hijabs" quote exists?
How can you make the rules to be like that? PEGI BACA PERLEMBAGAAN PERSEKUTUAN LAA -.-
I know its not just me that had experienced this, I AM SURE OTHERS DID TOO~
Am I right? Oh well what the heck, its their LOSS~ huhu kita kan AWESOME? :D
assalamualaikumm :)
Take Care & stay PREETY! <3
p/s: this is a special post for Islamic Girls out there :) lets rock the world
pp/s: I'll make my heels to be more comfortable :D and ill try my best to follow these rules.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Favourite Vloggers! ♥
okay! Firstly, remember FЯED? huhu, YES he is the first Vlogger comedian in youtube
that i recomended to you through this blog like a couple of years ago? haha its HERE!
haha so, after awhile, I started to watch more Vloggers. Well, I stopped for awhile, and suddenly!
like seriously~ Anwar Hadi is very FUNNY and informative, Matluthfi is SUPER FUNNY and cute! XD
Frankly speaking they are AWESOME, so lately Wafaa' told me to check out NigaHiga channel.
hahaha, THAT GUY IS HILARIOUS, omagah like seriously he is so RANDOM, teehee!, like FЯED? naah FЯED is RANDOM-er and more HYPER. haha but! I super love NigaHiga's videos~
I just love to watch those funny vlogs. Come on! Who doesn't love Funny videos? :D
ohhhh and thats not just it. Haha *actually, Youtube is becoming my favourite web! GO YOUTUBE!
I also love Make Up Guru Channels, especially, Michelle Phan & Bubzbeauty
these two girls, are just awesome giving Beauty Tips, Make up tutorials and etc.
Girls out there, should check them out! Well if you're interested, not PUSHING :P
so then, ill post my favourite video of each of these Vloggers!
*they all are awesome videos, its hard to choose! HAVE FUN WATCHING! <3
From Matluthfi :D
From Anwar Hadi
From NigaHiga
oh and btw! video nigahiga ada JayParrrkkk! woots
haha i watched nama pun sampah matluthfi macam beribu3 kali haha! XD best sangat.
So there's the funny Vlogs I like the most, well not really most,
there's so many more awesome videos from them, these are just my favourites. :D
You guys should check them out! :) *im sure most of you knew them already right? ;)
Didn't put the Make Up Gurus videos because I do not know which to choose :/
Just sharing to the WORLD <3
Till then! LOL! <-- Lots of Love/Laugh out Loud :D
stuff about:
Anwar Hadi,
Michelle Phan,

Monday, June 20, 2011
Tak jadi nak on Hiatus,
since mood nak berblog sudah kembali :D
will post normally from now, insyaAllah
Sunday, June 19, 2011
oh HAPPY.....
FATHER's Day to my Abah.
and Birthday to Aine Izzaidah bt Tarmizi
Tarmizi bin Muhidin

anak tarmizi, aineizzaidahpoyosangathappybirthdah! haha!
eh tiba2 banyak pulak followers? :P
Want to know why? haha!
SeMaC got its own BLOGGING COMUNITY yeaah.
Awesome kan college saya ni? :D eh salah pulak, EXCOLLEGE :P
To all that followed me, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, korang sangat AWESOME okay?
haha.. yeah i know, i posted that I'll be on hiatus because of my lazyness, WELL
let me story, there is one guy, he likes to annoy me when he's bored,
and yea he got bored and and there he goes mencari pasal. YE LAA SAYA UPDAAATE!
ni ha da UPDATE, know why? because that person said PROMOTE2 tapi tak update.
#ehterasake? hahaha sikit laa, so kesian pulak kan, dah banyak orang follow tapi Blog on hiatus.
Ada jugaklah kebangangannya disitu haha, *okay dah update, PUAS? :P
ohkay lepas ni nak update pasal fandom,
HANA TAJIMA, Matluthfi, NigaHiga, Anwar Hadi, Kdramas, etc etc
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
so my new posts will be BELOW this NOPOINTPOST
oh! P/S: to ARASHI FANS you still can bank in the money, and let me know if u did <3
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
The Curve and IKEA
went to the Curve and IKEA, to bring Mama and Inani, since they haven't reach there yet.
so went trolling at the Curve, searching for something to BUY. i actually wanted to go to the Street.
so there i go, OMAGAH the people there are overpopulated haha. RAMAI GILA okay
i don't even know how to shop with that busy street seriously. ==
because of that I DIDN'T buy anything, and lost my mood on doing anything HUUUUU
Atie bought pants for Baby Athirah, and Mama bought a new softtoythatvibrateswhenyoupullthestrings for Athirah <3
huhu that BABY! super cute no matter what she do =.=
so after walking around with no purposes.. NEXT STOP, IKEA
walk around IKEA, pictures pictures pictures. :D *will be uploaded in FB.
and of course MEAATBALL, again <3
haha, shop again, and then GO HOME the place was almost closing and there was still a lot of human.
thaaaat's ALL!
assalamualaikum <3
Friday, June 3, 2011
i got home from Melaka~
yeaaaaah IM HOME from Melaka, arrived at was it 11pm? FORGOTTEN!
hahaha, i SUCK i know, BUT im awesome like thaat YEAAH. haha *KONON
boleh tak nak buat hashtag #konon kat Twitter? LOLOL
that's all i got home, online for abit AND SLEEP :P
p/s: i changed the date and time for a few posts, :)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
its JUNE baybeh!
woot woot Happy JUNE!
hope that June will be BETTER than May..
p/s: i wont post anything about the world anymore! its a SIGN, a bad one =.= *KONON
pp/s: btw, i don't like politics story or politics itself, so if you're asking me to view your blog, i really don't read it if its politics related :). just saying haha~
that's all, until the proper post ill be writing!
asalamualaikum~ byeeee
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