Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Supposed to be wordless isn't it? But! I want more WORD now, since its been a long time since I update this blog with anything. Anyone missed me? Of course there are! HAHA okay, gedik. =.=

SO! Im now, officially, a student from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, majoring in Mechatronics Engineering. :) So far i've been studying the same thing as what in matrics and previous education. There's also some topics that i just discovered~ Now, I've even sorted which is my favourite and lease favourite subject. Well of course, its a secret :P but obviously some of you know. Haha. Its the 3rd week! The subjects is starting to get complicated. I will keep on catching up and try my very best, for once. Yes, i never studied my heart out before. I always love to play more. Obviously i wont be just studying only laa, InsyaAllah, if there's free time I'll take part for the club's activities. But, actually, i have the most free time among my housemates. Im the only person who's in Electrical Faculty, others are all in Communication Faculty.

Oh yeah! I went to an event that the club I registered in did. Its a Recreation and Extreme Games Club (KeReX). It was FUN! The event was to give a guide on basics on 5 elements, which are Paintball, Frisbee, Cycling, Hiking and Wall Climbing. It was seriously something new for me, well except for Frisbee la! Its very tiring, it started at 9:00am and ended at 10:30pm. Started with a briefing of the event and started with 3 first elements. MAKAN SOLAT. And then another 3 elements. Makan Solat. MINI GAME. And last after Maghrib prayer there's JAMUAN RAYA! Hihihi EAT EAT EAT :D I think I wrote more EATING than the program LOL. Anyway, since I started living here in Melaka, my eating habit has GROWN. =.=" Yeah i eat ALOT! DAYYUM ALOT okay? :O

I fell down the stairs yesterday, and my ankle is SWOLEN. =.=" Alhamdulillah it wa not that bad, it could be worse. I still can walk, and climb the stairs slowly. I should be more, i mean, EXTRA carefull next time! :D I have more to write, since I've been delaying to update this blog due to the "awesome-ness" of the hostel's WiFi LOL!
Anyway, That's all for now! Till next possst.

(p/s: quite interested on trying Blogger's new designs! It looked so cool, we'll see. :D)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It was great.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes! :D
I love birthday wishes.
Those who sms-ed, I've keep them saved in a folder!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Minggu Haluan Siswa.

Macam haram? Tak best? Fasi Melampau? Bosan?
OMAGAH. Mulut longkang gila. Tapi, memang sebahagiannya betul.
Ada kebaikan ada keburukan, universiti masih baru, jadi ada banyak lagi masa untuk meningkatkan kualiti MHS UTeM. Bukan la nak kata MHS UTeM teruk gila centu. Tapi mungkin sebab kitorang la kot jadi tak best? Mungkin? Huhu. Tak tahu la. Tapi yang best nya Y.B Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah Menteri Pengajian II, sangat seronok :) SEMPOI jewww. HAHA. Suka cara Y.B bagi ceramah.

Mula-mula, makanan yang disediakan, ada yang kata tak cukup, ada yang kata tak sedap, ada yang keracunan makanan? :O YES. Memang ada. Tapi, mungkin tak dapat nak elak benda2 cani kan. Bersyukur la, diorang dah sediakan makanan. Beratur bukan main panjang lagi. =.=" Ramai, standard la kan.
Sabau je le.

Fasi agak melampau dengan kata2. Tapi. Diorang la yang jaga kitorang semua. Tapi kalau boleh, next time, fasi jadilah lebih kreatif, ni LDK bosan gila. Nasib 3 kali je. Kalau buat hari2 macam sepatutnya memang ah. Fasi cakap pun malu2, slow slow. Cane tu? =___= Fasi kena bersifat menarik. Untuk menarik minat student, tambah keseronokkan waktu MHS. Tapi macam biasa2 je. Masuk2 dulu excited gila ada LDK. Tiba2 camtu je. Berkecai harapan. Haha ayat over the top sangat. Takpelah, cakap banyak pulak an, nanti biar saya je la yang jadi fasi :P haha BERANGAN.

Bas, okay ni tak dapat nak cakap apa2 sebab, bas memang LAMBAT. Tapi nak wat cane, budak dip lagi nak naik, jadi bab bas saya memahami. Tapi yang paling sakit, memang tunggu bas la. Padahal bak kata TNC UTeM universiti yang paling banyak bas. Bas banyak student pun makin banyak kan. Kena lah bersabar. Nak pegi kuliah nanti centu jugak la kot. Sebab hostel semua kat luar kampus. Nasib baik dapat hostel paling dekat ngan kampus. Senang hidup. Makanan je susah cari kat TTU3 tu. Pandai-pandai laa nanti cari kat mana2 HUHU.

Sesi bersama fakulti, GILA BEST! KJ Mekatronik, sangat2 best. DIA PANDAI MOTIVATE! Sampai dah motivate dah diri ni, padahal baru dengar taklimat dia sekejap je. :) Dia membuatkan tak sabar nak belajar tahu? Sangat awesome. Cuba bayangkan, kesemua student Mekatronik ada 90 orang, dari 90 orang tu, 9 je perempuan! HAHA. Jadi, KJ kata perempuan RARE SPECIES dalam kursus ni. Haha recessive. Semua lelaki kot. 9 orang perempuan 81 orang lelaki. FUUUHH. =__________=" satu geng je perempuan haha. Foreigners ada 6 orang lelaki semua. MEMANG LELAKI la semua. HAHA.

Subject yang ada sem 1 ni, BEKE BEKA BEKU BEKM BLHL BMCG. Hahaha paham ke? BLHL tu bahasa ketiga, amik JEPUUUN! YAY. Haha.

Tu je laa, mengantuk sudah.
Assalamualaikum. Selamat MALAM. HAHA

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