Assalamualaikuumm :D
So! How's my readers doing lately?
I guess I've been away from this blog for quite a long time already, I'm sorry,
I just don't know what to post sometimes. LOL. And the main thing is I'm lazy of course. It seems that this blog still have some readers, even if I'm not updating. *Since chatbox got some messages :D
So I seriously need to keep on updating this blog from time to time.
What's new?
Haha I got myself a Blackberry lately, was my birthday present! :D I didn't mention it last time. Hehe. Those that knows me, and I know you, haha feel free to ask for my BBpin! So, I can BBM you! :D Free maaahh. Haha. Been using for almost two months now. This thing is good for social networking! Highly recommended. *promote*
How's my life going?
So faaaarr, it's okay~ Alhamdulillah. Im not feeling that well, been coughing alot, and started to sneeze awhile ago LOL. Last week, I lost my voice completely, but it started to came back. When I was voiceless my brother said this "Aman dunia sikit kau takda suara" Haha! -.- It's actually true. Because I am so NOISY *hashtag* to be honest. Haha. Been hanging around in twitter a lot, seriously. I have no life. HAHA! It's going well with the study. Im actually staying at my hostel for this weekend! First time okay? haha. Cried. Like seriously -.-" I suck. Well, part of me wanted to stay and study, part of me want to go home. Dilemma. So I cried. Tak paham? Tak paham sudah.
So, its the 2nd week of November already! I didn't do a proper update for like one month! Haha poor blog got abandoned alot. Final is getting nearer by seconds. It's creeping me out. Lots of thing to study, with so little time. But insyaAllah, I'll get through this. :D I just have to keep on studying and do exercise. Yes, I'm lacking of exercises, fitness and also the brain LOL. I'm very lazy, you see. It's hard to see me to be hardworking ngeh. Need to change this A.S.A.P.
Now, my mission is, to do lots of exercises. Also have to keep on updating this blog with anything that i could think of LOL. #notetoself.
Take care of your health peeps, the weather is really bad.
Drink lots of water! #notetoselftoo.
Assalamualaikum, and goodnight! :D