So basicly I'm going to talk about the things I own that I use and love along the month of February. <3
The most favourite is this face cleanser. L'oreal Paris Perfect CLEAN. I've been using the orange colour one, it cleans and exfoliate the face AWESOMELY okay?! This is highly recommended. It is actually a light scrub, with apricot seeds? I think. The smell is delicious! And its for all skin types. This product came with a scrublet too! I left the scrublet at home, in Selangor. That small scrublet works as a soft exfoliate-er haha arghh, it softly scrubs the face laa. Your face will be AWESOMELY soft and clean after cleansing with this cleanser LOL. Seriously! Not joking. Haha. Ini serius *nada wonderpet* So it also have for normal-combination skin type the blue one, and the dry-sensitve skin type, the pink. Im going to try the blue next. Since the orange one works well as daily scrubs. :D Again, this is highly recommended for your skinssss yeah. HAHA. This can be purchase, in local drugstores, if in Malaysia, like Watsons and Guardian. :) I am so sorry, I forgot the price, but I think it was below RM30 if im not mistaken.

Etude House's Sun Guard - Natural Covering. This is a awesome sun guard, or mostly called as sun block. My skin is easily tanned plus I'm living a such a hot climate, nama pun Malaysia. So, wearing a sunblock before going out the house is a MUST. Unless I don't have it with me la.. -.-" Haha. This sun guard, works great for combination skin, if I'm not mistaken. And it actually peach in colour- look like foundation colour. It's not like the normal sunblock those in white. It gives a lil coverage to the face when applied. Not much but it's okay. For me, it evens out my skintone too :) I forgotten the price, I think its about RM20 - RM30. But sometimes, there's promotions, then, you can get it super cheap!
I think that's all for my february favourites, I don't favourite things much. Because I don't really have much stuff. Hahaha. I seldom change my things, and don't really change products that often. :) When I love that particular thing, I'll keep on using the same thing. Huhu. This is mere just for sharing.
Take care and Assalamualaikum :)