The colour make it looked so delish. :3
Rainbow caaaake. Makan cake ni mesti muntah rainbow kan? AWESOME.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
STADO week kedua
Aps naj jado ni aine? HAHA. <-- Typo sengaja.
Assalamualaikum, salam satu blogger. ;)
Cerita pasal typo tu hanya makhluk2 di twitter je paham hikhik. Lately ni macam macam typo dah aku ter-type kat Twitter tu. Huhu. LOL. Baiklah, dah lepas dua paper daripada limaaa, nampaknya target macam agak lari. Sebabnya masa paper math kejut tu macam kejung terkejut ngan soalan-soalan yang tertera kat kertas soalan tu. HUHU T__T.
Apa-apa pun, insyaAllah boleh lagi ni.
Tadi paper Tekno tak sempat nak habis jawab la pulak. Terlupa pulak nak jawab yang belakang dulu baru jawab yang depan2. Kan dah rugi markah, padahal tahu nak buat. Nak buat macam mana, takda rezeki markah kat situ. Redha dan tawakal je la. :)
Kenapa stado week kedua?
Sebabnyaa, semua student ada 1 minggu je study week, kitorang ada dua. Next paper on 19th June. Geddit? Hikhik. Alhamdulillah, diberikan lebih masa cover untuk lagi 3 subjek akhir. Mechanics of material, Digital electronics and system ngan Electric circuit 2. Harapharapnya boleh la score 3 subjek ni. InsyaAllah. Amin.
Samasama la kita berusaha untuk masa depan kita.
Oh, hampir terlupaaa, weekend ni satu-satunya abang saya, Ahmad Ikhwan Bin Tarmizi akan nikah dan majlis perkahwinan akan berlangsung pada 17 Jun 2012~! Siapa siapa yang free time tu dijemput hadir, siapa yang tak boleh, tak pe, saya kepahaman, time tu ramai yang sedang berperang menjawab soalan final. HAHA. Jadi merekamereka tu di maafkan. ECEEH. Macam jemput untuk kenduri kahwin sendiri pulak. Majlis side perempuan ngan side lelaki buat sekali je. Duadua duduk KL-Selangor je. Dekat. Jadi senang, lagi jimat. :)
Ni pelan majlis perkahwinan Ahmad Ikhwan dan Aisyah.
Sempat lagi =.="
Siapa yang nak datang tu, roger la kalau ada masalah pape okay? BBM pun boleh. Huhu. Mana tahu la kan, sesat ke, tak tau nak pakai baju apa ke, taktau nak bawak siapa ke, taktau nak naik apa ke. Hahaha. Okay, tu dah melampau.
Sampai disini sahaja saya merepek dan membebel.
Assalamualaikum. Selamat malammm. :D
Assalamualaikum, salam satu blogger. ;)
Cerita pasal typo tu hanya makhluk2 di twitter je paham hikhik. Lately ni macam macam typo dah aku ter-type kat Twitter tu. Huhu. LOL. Baiklah, dah lepas dua paper daripada limaaa, nampaknya target macam agak lari. Sebabnya masa paper math kejut tu macam kejung terkejut ngan soalan-soalan yang tertera kat kertas soalan tu. HUHU T__T.
Apa-apa pun, insyaAllah boleh lagi ni.
Tadi paper Tekno tak sempat nak habis jawab la pulak. Terlupa pulak nak jawab yang belakang dulu baru jawab yang depan2. Kan dah rugi markah, padahal tahu nak buat. Nak buat macam mana, takda rezeki markah kat situ. Redha dan tawakal je la. :)
Kenapa stado week kedua?
Sebabnyaa, semua student ada 1 minggu je study week, kitorang ada dua. Next paper on 19th June. Geddit? Hikhik. Alhamdulillah, diberikan lebih masa cover untuk lagi 3 subjek akhir. Mechanics of material, Digital electronics and system ngan Electric circuit 2. Harapharapnya boleh la score 3 subjek ni. InsyaAllah. Amin.
Samasama la kita berusaha untuk masa depan kita.
Oh, hampir terlupaaa, weekend ni satu-satunya abang saya, Ahmad Ikhwan Bin Tarmizi akan nikah dan majlis perkahwinan akan berlangsung pada 17 Jun 2012~! Siapa siapa yang free time tu dijemput hadir, siapa yang tak boleh, tak pe, saya kepahaman, time tu ramai yang sedang berperang menjawab soalan final. HAHA. Jadi merekamereka tu di maafkan. ECEEH. Macam jemput untuk kenduri kahwin sendiri pulak. Majlis side perempuan ngan side lelaki buat sekali je. Duadua duduk KL-Selangor je. Dekat. Jadi senang, lagi jimat. :)
Ni pelan majlis perkahwinan Ahmad Ikhwan dan Aisyah.
Sempat lagi =.="
Siapa yang nak datang tu, roger la kalau ada masalah pape okay? BBM pun boleh. Huhu. Mana tahu la kan, sesat ke, tak tau nak pakai baju apa ke, taktau nak bawak siapa ke, taktau nak naik apa ke. Hahaha. Okay, tu dah melampau.
Sampai disini sahaja saya merepek dan membebel.
Assalamualaikum. Selamat malammm. :D
stuff about:

Saturday, June 9, 2012
Final EXAM.
Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to the readers. :)
Okay okay, I know that the tension has rise SUPER HIGH because of the final examination for this semester. O Allah, suddenly I feel the nervousness, heart beating vigorously, and butterflies in the tummmyy. Writing this post made me nervous. -.-" Nervousness actually is a good thing. It keeps on reminding you that what you're about to face is superbly IMPORTANT for you. A lil of it can take you a long way, but when there's TOO MUCH of nervousness might be telling you haven't fully prepared for the task.
Hehe, no pressure. <--- saying this actually giving pressure -.- LOL
Calm down, breathe in, breathe out.. FUUHHH.
This is going to be a reminder post for myself, and for all the readers that's going to have their finals soon. Dear self and friends, it's the effort that matters. InsyaAllah when there's effort, success will come right behind. Just remember that, EFFORT comes first. Let the result aside. :)
Always think, and be POSITIVE.
Positive energy is very important in anything. What ever hardships you're having, just be positive that there's moral and wisdom to it. And remember, Allah is always there for you. He knows what you really NEED. Keep on moving forward, be happy and SMILE the problems away. There's never been problems actually, look at it as a CHALLENGE instead. Allah never give a tests and burden that we couldn't carry. So, whatever happens, DON'T QUIT. Keep thinking positive that you can do it! It's just your mindset, really. Don't crush everything, yourself, with a negative mindset.
Just a short post for everyone.
Keep calm and listen to OneRepublic, HAHAHA! Kidding.
Keep calm and just do your very best, and leave the rest to Allah.
Usaha. Doa. Tawakal.
Hope we can answer the questions calmly, :)
Assalamualaikum, good evening and thanks for reading <3
Okay okay, I know that the tension has rise SUPER HIGH because of the final examination for this semester. O Allah, suddenly I feel the nervousness, heart beating vigorously, and butterflies in the tummmyy. Writing this post made me nervous. -.-" Nervousness actually is a good thing. It keeps on reminding you that what you're about to face is superbly IMPORTANT for you. A lil of it can take you a long way, but when there's TOO MUCH of nervousness might be telling you haven't fully prepared for the task.
Hehe, no pressure. <--- saying this actually giving pressure -.- LOL
Calm down, breathe in, breathe out.. FUUHHH.
This is going to be a reminder post for myself, and for all the readers that's going to have their finals soon. Dear self and friends, it's the effort that matters. InsyaAllah when there's effort, success will come right behind. Just remember that, EFFORT comes first. Let the result aside. :)
Always think, and be POSITIVE.
Positive energy is very important in anything. What ever hardships you're having, just be positive that there's moral and wisdom to it. And remember, Allah is always there for you. He knows what you really NEED. Keep on moving forward, be happy and SMILE the problems away. There's never been problems actually, look at it as a CHALLENGE instead. Allah never give a tests and burden that we couldn't carry. So, whatever happens, DON'T QUIT. Keep thinking positive that you can do it! It's just your mindset, really. Don't crush everything, yourself, with a negative mindset.
Just a short post for everyone.
Keep calm and listen to OneRepublic, HAHAHA! Kidding.
Keep calm and just do your very best, and leave the rest to Allah.
Usaha. Doa. Tawakal.
Hope we can answer the questions calmly, :)
Assalamualaikum, good evening and thanks for reading <3
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