Monday, November 4, 2013



Okay, kalau luar negara ye lah, November autumn, and soon to be winter.
Kalau kat Malaysia? November- panas, december- panas, june july, panas je la through out the year. Okay, nak rojak. Sukati aku. Haha. Despite the season change, I'm on my midterm break! Ayat macam tak kena, apa2je. WUHUUU.

The first half of first semester on 3rd year.

Dua minggu sebelum cuti ni, it was horrible. Serius horrible gilaaak. *sabahansikit* Mana tak nye, kemain rilek je dari minggu pertama. Tetibe, kedebuk amik kau workload yang melampau tetibe. Macam culture shock la kalau nak explain rasa dia tu. Pastu test melambak pulak tu. Waduh waduh. Redah je lah. Penat gilaaa. Ni tak masuk projek2 yang kena settle lagi. Wuuuu. I need to be prepared.


Currently, separuh orang rumah sewa ku, masuk hostel. ._. Agak sedih la sebenarnya. Tapi nak buat cemana, semua nak berpindah randah. Aku pun nak pindah dah. Tinggal la sebilik tu je yang ada penghuni. Tak boleh nak buat apa la kan. Huhuhu.

Oi, boleh lagi kau berjaga lelambat ni Aine oih. Esok gamaknya ajak Rus pergi Squasy bagai. Tak bangun satu hal ._. Saya tengah cuti! Seminggu je punn. Tapi okay la, dari takda langsung. Jenjalan ngan hangout dengan Rus je la kot cuti ni. Dan dan, jadi driver. Nyeh. Okay apa plan tu kan? Huahua, dari unproductive sangat.

Nak cari gambar dari tumblr, baru realise, tumblr dah berubah :O CONFUSEEE.

dah jumpa yang cecomel. :3
November is here, rasa macam baru je october haritu, tetibe, november. Nanti tetibe december tetibe dah 2014. Trust me, I'm not yet an engineer. K, I just hope cuti seminggu ni digunakan dengan penuh bermakna. Ok ayat takleh bla. Selamat malam semua :)
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Reading my past.


Just finished reading some of my past posts, OH MY. My blog writing back then. Colourful, centered, short, next line after. I was a child. Still am. Haha. I changed my writing a lot. Hahaha. Membesar la katakan, sikit :) I write alot of my fandom back then. Oh the dayss. Whatever it is, I'm still going to keep them. Or maybe just some of them. Reading those posts, brings back memories that I don't even remember anymore. Haha. I forgets easily, you see.  

Monday, October 14, 2013

Salam Aidiladha.

 photo tumblr_mu60fv6Lst1ryt89do1_500_zps117431f3.gif

One day, I would like to be there and perform Hajj.
Pray hard, if Allah wills. Hope I'll get there. Amin.♥
Salam Aidiladha to every muslims out there.
Let's take everyday as a chance to become a better muslims. Jom berhijrah. Yeayy.

The type of movie.

The type of movie that I can watch so many times, and wont get bored of it. Seriously. I've watched these movie so many times already. And I still think of rewatching it, again. Haha.

Oh great! While I was searching the How Train Your Dragon poster! I just found that the 2nd sequel will be out next yeaarr! OHMYYYY. :3  Here's the official trailer...

Arghhh June 2014!!! EKSAITEDNYA. Can't wait. :)
Anyway! For those who have not watch any from my list above. Please do watch. They're all great movies, by far from my judgement lah. Hihi.♥
Sunday, October 13, 2013



Aine Ilina berseluar track. Itu RARE.

Last weekend, there was a program by SRM UTeM, Let's Kayak with SRM..
So yeah, Iouls berkayak uols. Huahua. Sakit bahu tu lama pulakkkk. Nampak sangat dah lama tak bersukan. Ish ish ish. Penyakit malas menular. Itulah alasan. Program tu sekali dengan Wall Climbing, tapi tak berani eden nak naik Wall tu, was not prepared for that ._. Berkayak pun dah cuak tenggelam satgi susah pulak. Sekarang ni, masih mencari Squash Court kat melaka tu. Boleh lah releasekan tension sikit, pukul dinding.

Program Let's Kayak ni start dengan game yang sangat memerli diri ni,
Arnab cari rumah.

Berpecah 2 group, satu group naik Wall, satu group berkayaak. We're lucky we got Kayak first :) Sebab pepagi belum panas lagi. Dan untuk pengumuman, saya ni penakut, maka tak naiklah wall. Huahua. Bila nak berani? Tak tahu. Sekian.

Nak tunjuk gambar!

Bersukan amalan sihat ye kawan kawan. :3
Malas nak sambung cerita lagi, sampai situ saje. Haha.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The 21st Birthday. ♥


21st September 2013, the day I turned 21! Gosh, I'm so OLD already.

Firstly, I would like to shout out my thanks to the AWESOME Humans that wished me on Facebook, Twitter, Text, Whatsapp, WeChat, personally, and others. I am so so so soooooooooooo happy with just all of the wishes. To those who wished on facebook, I really hope I could reply each of them, but the internet connection at my place in Melaka super snail-ish. I appreciate every little things! I love you humans! :3 Mama and the family pun wish via WhatsApp, zaman dah majuuu. :3 Thank you Mama for the present! Inani for the shawl from Abu Dhabi. Mekasihhh.

Anyway. It's the first time that I didn't go home on my birthday, due to laziness and I'm tired to drive home because I've drove home EVERY weekend for the past 2 weeks before my Birthday happen. HAHA. So decided to stay put in Melaka. Takpelah kot, first time dapat celebrate dengan si Kancil on my birthday. :) Hehehe.

So, on my birthday, Kancil brought me out, and... We went to the ZOO. Yeahahaha. Celebrate dengan kawan2 gamaknya la kot. HAHA. Just bored of malls, so instead went to the Zoo. Well, it went well, and the weather was just nice. It was fun! I saw giraffes, elephants, tigers, tortoise, KANCILs, haha irony, hahaha. Urmm what else? Crocodiles, hippos, miniature horse, wow, it's a zoo, am I really going to list all of the animals. .____. oh well. It was so full of animal facts? Haha. Went Zoo Melaka, the zoo looked like it hasn't be taken care of properly. The animal looked so unhappy. *animal instinct ke ni? HAHA. After the zoo trip, had dinner and watched a movie. :) It was a great day.
Thank you Iktisyam for the treat, trip and the presents! . ♥
*will post the polaroid pictures soon, belum scan*

TODAY! Im actually home, and that is the reason why I could update my blog successfully without any distractions and internet problems. The girlfriends asked me out for lunch for post birthday celebration! :3 We went to the Upstairs Cafe in Subang. It was a small cafe, nice and pretty for hangouts. Sit, drink fraps and catching up. Thanks for the treat Rus, Siti! :) Ate a red velvet cake that tasted like the paddle pop rainbow ice-cream. It was a delicious cake! Roast beef sandwich and Mocha frappesse. The mocha frap is nice :3 suites my sweet tongue. Haha. *I don't usually drink any bitter drinks, especially coffee. Rus had the Spaghetti carbonara. That's delicious too! Nak pergi lagi nanti, tapi tak tau jalan, since Rus jadi driver harini. Hehe, thanks Rus. After done with lunch, went to Sunway Pyramid! Had fun today, just catching up with them. Thank you korang for today!♥

Upstairs cafe with Siti and Rus! 
polaroid pictures belum scan. huahua

picture credits: Rus Azureen. :3

I've finally turned 21. I hope that I would always remember and love the family, friends, and Kancil that always have been alongside me through thick and thin. I love them to bits, and hope to have them with me as long as I can live. They are my support and a big part of my life. Thank you, you awesome humans. Thank you for colouring my life. It's colourful now, and will always be, insyaAllah. I wish to grow up, and be a better person every day. I pray for our success in our life and for the hereafter. Last important note: please be a little bit mature from now on, okay Aine? :P Hihi. That's the most difficult task for me! Oh well.

Thank you very very much, I appreciate every little things.  ♥
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Seseorang yang tersangatlah comel.


Post ni dah delayed, terima kasih internet EP.  Okay, nak edit tarikh post ni
*tarikh pun tak ingat dah bila

Mesti ramai yang perasan bila title dia begitu. Huahua. Title pun ayat macam apa je. Rashidah Omar pemberi semangat untuk menghupdate blog walaupun internet macam hareemm. *Tapi bukan Rashidah Omar yang tersangat comel. Sikit je comel. :P Emerald park punya internet SANGAT LAJU ok. Sampai TERPAKSA guna hotspot BB. ._. Internet EP pun tersangatlah comel.

Semalam makan kek! Try buat rainbow cake, sempena birthday Kancil, cantik tapi HARDCORE. .__. Pengajaran: Takleh guna spongecake bater nak buat rainbow cake. Mendap cake woi. Huhu.

Rainbow cake! Hardcore okay. :3 Kancil, Aspa, September babies.
Ecah ngan shidah, tukang makan.
Kepada semua yang kata kek ni sedap walaupun keras, terima kasih korang :')
Okay, sebenar-benarnya, yang comel tu anak buah kat UK sorang ni. Makin lama, makin bijak dan comel Atiya ni. Rindu sangat2. :3 Tunggu Achik ye.

ala2 istanbul aku datang giteww

Monday, September 16, 2013

Si Kembar Dua.

Latest picture of them.
Aisya Humaira and Aisya Safiyya

Haritu time raya, ada buat openhouse plus kenduri Aqiqah si Kembar ni. Huhu. Kat bawah nanti letak gambar, tak banyak tapi ada. Gambar mereka botak. HAHA. Cuti weekend haritu diorang balik Serdang, woahoo. Comel. Ni ada lagi kat rumah ni si kembar ni. :3 Abang selalu2 lah bawak diorang balik Serdang ye. Hikhik.

Ni gambar Aisya Humaira ngan Aisya Safiyya butak. HAHA

Sunday, September 15, 2013



Dah lama tak menulis rasa kekok. Ada yang dah bising suruh update blog bagai. Ada yang siap perli suruh buang aje blog ni. Sebab update pun macam ada takda. Okay fine. ._. Bukan taknak update, macam2 kat kepala otak nak ditulis. Tapi semenjak purple tofu, laptop kesayangan dah meninggalkan diri ni (ayat takleh bla), takda feel nak update. Feeling update guna laptop orang lain ngan laptop sendiri tu lain. Huhu. :'(

Pejam kelip pejam kelip, dah masuk Tahun 3 untuk degree semester ni.

Alhamdulillah, hasil sokongan keluarga, PA, rakan2, dan pemberi2 semangat tegar, dapat jugak lepas masuk sampai tahun 3. Senior weh senior. Hahaha. Lame. I know. Start dari semester ni, banyak yang perlu di usahakan. Pointer nak kena baiki lagi. InsyaAllah. Si kakak suruh sambung Master, acane nak sambung master pointer ciputt je. Hahaha. Dengan harapan, boleh menjadi lebih rajin untuk berusaha lagi 4 baki semester yang tinggal ni.

Mungkin sekarang tak boleh nak update blog selalu. Sebabnya, ketidakadaan laptop di sisi. Hahaha. Harus meminjam dong, leceh pulak la kan. Let's see. Marilah kita bercerita panjang sikit, sebab dah lama tak update.

Raya 2013 (August 2013)
Raya tahun ni suram sikit, ye la kan, keluarga tak complete. Masing2 pergi raya tempat lain. Satu raya kat UK, dua lagi raya rumah mak mertua. Huhu. Raya dengan mama abah ngan adik je. Makan tetap makan ye. Bila raya dekat Melaka memang tak boleh nak bantu lah tang makan tu. Memang uncontrollable huahua. Sampai sekarang, dah sebulan selepas pun still gemuk. K. Gemuk itu bahagia takpe. Ecehh. Padahal kecoh bising gemuk gemuk. Heh. Biasa lah kan, lepas raya, siapa je tak gemuk. Makanan sesedap kot. Raya cuti seminggu je, sempena ada AK yang perlu di selesaikan. Menyampah, tapi 'SAYANG' UTeM haha. ._. Lepas seminggu, AK lagi seminggu pastu abes, SAMBUNG RAYA! Beraya sakan budak2 sekolah. Dapat jumpa mereka ramai2! ♥
Ok, gemuknya diriku. Mama comel. hahaha. :3
gambar terpotong, ._.

Amali Kejuruteraan (June-August 2013)
Ohhh AK, abes cuti sem aku, kau amik semuanya. Kau fikir kau siapa. Hahaha. Alhamdulillah, dah selesai dah pun AK dengan jayanya. Report yang melampau2 banyak tu pun dah hantar, settle semua. AK ni, kira short semester untuk kitorang budak tahun 2 kat UTeM ni, wajib amik benda ni. Ada 2 subject, satu Lab session, satu Report tu lah. Dua2 memang sangat menyusahkan to be honest. Macam2 pulak nak kena buat itu ini dalam 3 bulan tu. Kalau tak amik short semester ni, nanti takleh buat Latihan Industri, praktikal tu. Takmau ah nak extend2 bagai. Atiya dah tunggu kat UK haha. :P Walaupun AK ni menyusahkan, tapi banyak pengalaman dah dapat sepanjang program tu. Berguna jugak lah. Kenal la sikit2 benda2 baru kan. Yang tak syok nya takda cuti je lah. Tapi AK tu sangat penuh dengan pengetahuan2 nak jadi ENGINEER la kononnya kan. Hahaha. Last AK ni awal sikit. Dapatlah merasa cuti 2 minggu.
1. Student takda lab lepas check jadual, lepak kat Planetarium Melaka
2. Lab FKEKK, lab bergambar. Hahaha. Iktisyam, why ._. Suka merosakkan gambau.

Early September 
oh oh oh, This is a MUST to be written here. Me, Rus and her friend went to see Yuna's concert along with the National Orchestra which I fancy in Istana Budaya. It was just simply AWESOME! Eventhough I didn't study much her new songs, it still blown me away. Yuna was just awesome. Her voice is beautiful! :3 It was Rus's friend treat. Mekasih bebanyakk. 6 September 2013. *tetibe tulis english*

Thankyou Rus for this pic. Haha. Tak ada gambar ngan Rus yang decent.
Polaroid tertinggal kat Melaka.
Started Year 3 of degree on 9 September 2013. 9 September tu jugaklah, birthday Kancil! ♥
Happy 21st Birthday. Semoga sihat selalu, dimurahkan rezeki ye Muhammad Iktisyam. Makan lebih sikit boleh tak? Lebih banyak pun takpe. Ni arahan. Hahaha. Mohon jadi gemuk sikit.  *tetibe melayu balik* :O Haha. First week semester baru ni,  tak banyak progress sangat pun.
Subject semester ni :
  1. Control System 2
  2. Engineering Material 
  3. Engineering Graphics
  4. Technical Communication
  5. Micro-controller 
  6. Electro-Mechanical System.
  7. Lab  (Lab ape tak ingat. haha.)
Killer subject sem ni rasanya Control 2 ngan Micro-C. Huhu, risau jugak la semester ni, setiap sem pun risau bagai, tapi takda beza pun. Haha. Tapi tapi, harap2 sem ni ada beza sikit. Harap rajin sikit. Sikit pun cukuplah. Huhu. Lecturer2 so far, okay kot. Ada lah jugak yang menghampakan sikit, tapi boleh kot. InsyaAllah. :D Semangat semester baru, awal2 ni memang lah membuak2. Berharap kekal sampai abes. Haha. Plan macam nak repair Circuit 2 semester ni, tapi tak check jadual lagi. Kalau tak clash, insyaAllah amik la kot. Banyak la pulak kan kena study ._. Takpe2. Usaha tu yang penting. がんばって みんな! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Verse of the Throne.

اللّهُ لاَ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ 
 لَّهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ  
مَن ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ 
 وَلاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِّنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَاء وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ 
 وَلاَ يَؤُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ 

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful.
Allah! There is no God but He,
the living, the Self-subsisting, the Eternal.
No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep.
All things in heaven and earth are His.
Who could intercede in His presence without His permission?
He knows what appears in front of and behind His creatures.
Nor can they encompass any knowledge of Him except what He wills.
His throne extends over the heavens and earth,
and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them,
for He is the Highest and Most Exalted.

This is the Most Respectable Ayat of the Qur'an.
Read and memorise them. A lot of important benefits, only comes from this Ayat. SubhanAllah.
A reminder to ownself, and also to others.
To read more click here :)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What's going on?

"Rashidah Omar adalah seorang yang kurus, ayu, lemah lembut dan pemalu."

ERK. GELI nak mampus.
Itulah jawapan Rashidah Omar bila ditanya nak update apa. .________________.
Terima kasih bebanyak atas idea anda. Haha. Ada follower baru tu suruh kita update. Dah lama gila tak update. Banyak sangat yang nak ditype sebenarnya, tapi malas tu lagi kuat dari keinginan untuk update. Kau dah kenapa Aine? Title post bahasa inggeris tapi... Okay la tu kan, satgi tulis jepun takda siapa paham. Unless, orang jepun la baca. Eee. Perasan ada orang jepun baca pulak.

A lot of things happened. Fortunate and of course, unfortunate event too. Life kan.
*teringin nak guna ayat unfortunate event tu je senanya. Bahaha
Let's just talk about good things here :)

New FAMILY members ! Wuttwuttt.

16 June 2013, My sister is finally married, and now, I have another brother-in-law!
Nasaruddin Khamis & Aine Izzaidah

Congratulationnss Eda ngan Nasa! :) *baru nak wish kat blog.

27 June 2013, the twinnnsss! Yes. My brother has twins now. They're so cute. Petite.
*kejap curi gambar kat fesbuk*
Aisya Humaira & Aisya Safiyya 

Mereka omel angat2. Kecik je lagi. Itu pun sebab tak sabar sangat nak keluar, baby2 ni keluar awal. Sebab tu lah kecik je diorang. Kembar seiras okay. Abeslah. Goodluck Abang. Hahaha. Cepatlah besar, Achik nak kacau korang. Ngeh ngeh. Congrats kak ecot ngan abang! :)

Despite everything, masih rindu budak kecik yang kat UK tu .___________.
Mama ngan Nani insyaAllah fly UK akhir tahun ni, urmm, melepas lah kau Aine. Akhir tahun mana ada cuti. *cerita sedih* Sabar je lah untuk 2 tahun lagi. Haih.

p/s: Thank you Rashidah Omar pinjamkan laptop.  Macbook dah habes masanya berjasa kepada tuannya yang comel ni. :'( *ehem

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rindu sangat sangat.

Rindu kat mereka, paling2 Izza Athirah. :'(  Nak gi UK please.
Curi gambar dari Instagram Atie. Harap Maklum.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Half of it.

Been so sooooo away from posting new updates. Again. Like always. :) Refer to last last last posts. HAHA

So, currently started my so-called STUDY week for the fourth semester, oh my this semester is horrible. My goal seems so far right now. But it's my job to catch it up later. I mean by later- before my finals on 10th June. Things are so stressful and tiring. I don't even know what exactly are the 'things'. I just need my break for awhile. So, I'm home. Will start sucking knowledge starting when I get back to Melaka. Soon, I must.

There's so many to write here. I just couldn't get it done. I don't know why. Perhaps I see blogging differently now? NOOOOOOO

So, I have eight semesters till I graduate. I'm on my fourth. Therefore. It's halfway there. I'm barely dying, barely alive. I am still not knowing what I'm studying for. Seriously. I need to set a mission ASAP. Taking up something very hard, need super high motivation when you don't really have interest on it.

I have accepted the challenge, and I must go on and strive excellent till the end. I have to. I have to.

Suddenly, writing this blog post, seems to be so stressing. Anyway lets put everything aside for awhile. I just got back home from Melaka! Yeayy. Home, the best place in the world. Went PD to send the friend home, I got home, went to neighbor's wedding, and off I go out to KL with my lil sis, Kancil, and Naqib. Walk around till my knee are kinda broken. Haha. ._. Today's long story short.

Oh great, my blogging mood has just ran away.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Like always, I forgotten.

Happy 5th Belated Birthday 
dear blog.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I failed as a blogger! If ever I get a job doing blogs, I would have been got fired from my job by now. Last post was in February, and now... It's already April! :O Oh well. That's that. I've been busy most of the times, sleeping, studying, eating. Well at most time I was just sleeping. The past few months, I've been doing nothing much I guess, that is why this blog has nothing to be updated on. Actually, I'm having my mid term break right now, a week. Only. Sad. I know. Better than nothing though.

So, last few days, A LOT of things happened and I would like to write it here, to be WRITTEN. Lulz duhh. Can't I be MORE obvious? Okay. So! I started the midterm with my second sister's Engagement day on last Sunday on 7th April 2013. Well, it was busy2, tiring. I bake. That's the only tiring part actually. Thanks to my beloved friend went home with me for the weekend helped out around the house, a lot. Thank you Syu! Anyways. It was okay. Kancil came woowoot. Let's just skip a part of the story and just make it only us who was there knows. Haha. The sister had her make up done, she looked totally different. But, anyway. Congratulations on your Engagement Day, Aine Izzaidah! I eat A LOT these few days.

The past few days, Kancil stayed here in KL. Went out to KLCC on Monday and also Tuesday. From the early morning, till the evening. We was supposed to go to the Petrosains or the Planetarium, but both closes on Monday. Therefore, we decided to check on the Aquaria. I went there last time with the family, was sponsored. Haha. This time, check the rate, woah. Not gonna happen, expensive. LOL. So we just walk around and watched Olympus Has Fallen. It was a great movie, push aside the beginning part where I fell asleep .__. Membazir, I know. Had lunch after that and walk around again. Literally walked around okay, didn't even go in any of the stores. Because, I don't want to ended up buying something expensive HAHA.

On tuesday, we started the journey early too. Haha. Since the Petrosains was closed on monday, decided to go on Tuesday instead. Muahaha. Bagus betul hari-hari pergi KLCC. Lebur lebur. Hahaha. Wanted to go Petrosains so badly, macam kanak-kanak :P. Petrosains is cool okay. Haha. It was so fun. Not much of pictures but it was super fun :D. Lol dating kat Petrosains. Oh oh, forgot to state the rate. There was a promotion, 2 places and get 50% off. There was this Sultan Invention Exhibition thinggy. Bought the combo tickets for like RM17! Great deal huh? Nasib tak masuk Aquaria which was 2 times the price!

The Petrosains people are so cute and nice too! Took picturess!

Made that swan with HARDWORK okay! :D 
Rambut dah sama dah :P

Double magnified. HAHA.

After Petrosains met new friends! Hahaha.Well It's Kancil's friends. Hanafi and Faro. And coincidentally met Dug too. Haha. Talk along lunch. And went to continue with the Sultan Exhibition. Fun fun day. That evening had early dinner or tea time. And just CHINWAG. Lulz. Started journey home a lil late, and YEAY stuck in the JAMMED road. .______________. I still haven't get to go to the Planetarium T_T

The END.
*just got lazy to continue actually. HAHA.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Playing with the torchlight.

Yesterday night I got the mood to get back to my DSLR. So I got the idea to play with the torchlight and slow shutters.
The easy steps.
  1. Get a partner or friends to join.
  2. Set up the camera/dslr to be in manual.
  3. Use the shutter mode, set up the lowest shutter.
  4. The camera must be fixed on a table or a tripod.
  5. Prepare a torchlight wrapped with cloth, or use LED light.
  6. Set up the room to be super dark.
  7. Click the shutter button.
  8. Start your imaginary mind and draw when the shutter click once
  9. Stop and move out from the camera before the second click of shutter.
  10. Wait for the picture to process, and walaahhh. :D
If the room is not dark enough, it's okay, you can always edit the picture later !
Have fun playing with the torchlight.
Somehow browsing the picture seems scary all the sudden. Haha.
Here's the best pictures that we manage to come up with!

By NanaNadya
Take 1: Kak Nana writing Thai Lulz. 
Take 2: Kak Nana's Thai gotten better. Haha
Take 3: Look decent with Caps. :D
By Rashidah Omar;
Take 1: Shidah wants to give this to her mum

Take 2: Got confused with mirror-ing the letter S. HAHA
 By me!
Take 1: Supposed to be stars in the sky. But got confused with the on-off button on the torchlight. LULZ.

Take 2: The name! Haha full name with own personal artsy touch at the end.
Actually I just lost track of the spaces. HEHE. 

So! That's how we roll when we're bored! Playing with the mini torchlight and slow shutter mode! Fun, but tiring. Asyik salah and redo redo redo. Haha

Saturday, February 23, 2013

25 Facts About Me.

  1. I'm actually short, but tall at the same time. I'm short if I'm with my friends but a lil bit taller or bigger than my sisters. Older sisters. 
  2. I stalk humans when I'm curious about that person or persons? 
  3. Sometimes, I see things in a way way differently than others, and some might not just understand me. 
  4. I like to blame myself on everything, to myself. By myself. 
  5. Getting along is not a problem to me, unless there's no cooperation in the process. 
  6. I dislike karaoke, since I can't really sing well. HAHA. 
  7. Adapting to air-conditioner coldness and Malaysia hotness is a piece of cake. Unless, I'm sick.
  8. I can't bear not buying cute things that caught my eyes in a shop. It'll just hunt me. Haha. 
  9. While shopping, once I started buying things, I'll keep on buying and buying. Well, this is what I'm learning to control. But if nothing really interest me to buy, at the end of the day, nothing. 
  10. I get really shy when there's too many unknown faces in a room/place. 
  11. Laziness is my worst disease, and it can be sooooo BAD. 
  12. I like listening to the same set of songs repeatedly.
  13. Baking is fun for me, but I don't bake for myself but for others. 
  14. When I was young-er I have interests in working in saloons. Till now. 
  15. I actually don't have any interest in what I'm studying now. But I'm getting the hang of it and building interests.
  16. Travelling, trips, or going out is always fun for me. 
  17. I talk crap most of the time and I also speak gibberish.
  18. Photography is what I enjoy doing. Editing pictures and stuff, I can do it all night long. 
  19. I get good at stuff easily. Only those I have lots interests in. 
  20. Gets demotivated and breaking down easily. 
  21. I like to spice things up a lot. Making weird stories and theories. 
  22. I'm super loud, random and vertigo. HAHA :P 
  23. Being different, weird and cheerful is what makes me an alien. 
  24. Even little things gets me happy. 
  25. I can be very very very ANNOYING at most times :)
Friday, February 22, 2013


Sometimes, we always feel that everything is just not right. No. Everything did not go as what we planned. Yes. That's is certainly the worst feeling ever for me. Since I'm the person that usually, well, most of the time, the person that put hopes high up. Even though there's not a confirmation on something. Who can change ourselves than our own self effort right? Yes perhaps other people may help, to advise, to remind. But whatever it is the important part is our own self. To choose wether to will or not to change. Is this even normal I don't even know. Putting hopes high will make you? Yes, disappointed. So, as you can see, I get disappointed quite often. I've study on my own self, getting to know about myself more, that I have this issue. And it's all come from me. I put my hopes too high. That's my problem. So far, I could not change that. But! Right now, at disappointment times, I choose not to show it. That I am disappointed, and being cool about it. Well, sometimes, it does not even work, but I'm trying my best to change this.

I always think that there's always a solution to a problem. And I think that, this is a eye-opener that make me see that, not everything we want Allah willing it. Kann? All we have to do is appreciate what we have, and take a good care of everything that we love, appreciate them. What we have, ALL of it, is what Allah give to us all. Take a good care of it. Perhaps, by appreciating, we tend to see the bright side more than the dark side of something. Being a half-full glass of person. This may help to be always thankful on what we already have, perhaps. And not being a greedy asking for more and more and more. But still does not satisfied with it. Learn to appreciate what we have before you have to appreciate what we HAD. Not every WANTS you can get, but NEEDS always come in handy. So, I will try my best not to be disappointed easily. We plan, but Allah is the greatest planner. Everything happens for a reason, perhaps more than one reason. Remember, Aine. Always remember that. To change is your own choice. You're good because you choose to be, you're bad because you choose to be. ITS YOUR CHOICE TO BE BAD OR GOOD. You choose. It was always your choice. Wether to change to be better, or to be worse. Think wisely.

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