Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Happy Birthday Mama! ♥
Happy Birthdaay dear Mama~!
May Allah bless you always.
Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.
We all love youuuu ♥
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Universal Studios Singapore!
Assalamualaikum, and heyy dearry bloggie!
Let's start with the journeeey!
Bismillah. This trip was actually a family day that was done by my dad's working place. So this year's to USS we go! Since I actually not expecting this coming, I had planned this trip with Kancil. Therefore, the result of tagging him along. And he tag a friend of ours. Shy shy cat la konon since the trip is with my family. The family that gathered is just those are still single. HAHAHA. My parents, and 2 of my sisters. The others couldn't join, for their reasons.
I've forgotten the dates. *checks calendar*
Friday. 28 December 2012
It was on the study week break. To Johor Bahru we gooo! We shoot out in the morning later that planned due to some problems LOL. We went directly to Johor from Melaka. Stops awhile for brunch, first stop UTM! Yeay. We met our long-lost friends. Long-lost la sangat. HAHA. It was fun hanging around with old friend, talking, eating ice cream and just laugh. Even though it was just for a short while they made time to meet us. Sweet gila. Lagi2 orang yang busy tu. HAHA. :P Orang datang dari jauh la katakan. Thank you domo, pika, dug, effa, opie, and others. :)
We went to meet my family at Plaza Angsana, that place looked new. It's been so long since I last went to Johor. Kancil's school mate surprisingly close with MY school mate, they know each other in UTM. They helped us lead to destinations. Thank you Effa and Opie. Walk around eat and talk. Meet up with the family and after that, next stop is the Johor Premium Outlets! Walk around walk walk and walk. And bought 2 cardigans from Cotton On. Hohoho. When it has gotten dark, started to move to next place! We went to eat at all-time-awesome Mee Rebus Tulang in Johor! Wuwuttt. Sedaap. :3 Typing this, making me so hungry right now. -.- BAD.
After 1 day of walking shopping and eating. Off we go to the hotel that we're staying for the weekend! The fun part of this hotel is, they have CAR ELEVATOR ! Awesomely super big elevator for cars to go to the car park. Cool idea to save spaces. So it got us all excited for awhile. Hahaha. Jakun gila -.-'. Got our keys and check the rooms. Later on, mama and abah asked us if wanted to go down to walk around at the Pasar Karat. Here is where the mystery came. We called the boys tons of times, there was no answer at all. It was just a little while since separated and they're gone missing. 0.0 Me and my sisters started to panic. Just because their room is quite scary looking, we thought alot of weird things. -.-" you know... Nevermind. And actually they're downstair went out earlier than anyone else. Great. Hahaha. Why the heck am I typing this down? -.- Ah well. So! That night after walking around the Pasar Karat. Lots of things caught my eyes, but it wasn't a shopping mood since we all are drop dead tired. Got back to the room and SLEEP!
Saturday 29 December 2012
Got up QUITE early for breakfast, and the Johor-Singapore bus SUPPOSED to pick us up early from the hotel. Well. The bus arrived late and wasted my sleeping time -.-. It was around 9-10 when the bus arrived. Then off to SINGAPORE! Go through the usual immigration process and stuff. And SAMPAI! Universal Studios Singaporeeee. Walk around, and first ride was the TRANSFORMER ride! It was awessommmee! I think if I ever going that place again Me going to ride that again Ngehngeh. Walk around the USS and take rides, till EVENING! Well, the boys enjoyed more rides. :) But! We got into a rock theater which was awesome too! It was a fun trip to USS! I think pictures will do best here.
After the walking and everything, finally souvenir shopping! Bought matching tee for Kancil. And still haven't worn it together yet. Meet up and shoot off back to Johor around 9-10pm. The bus was tardy tardy taaardy! Went to late dinner and back to the hotel dropped dead.
Sunday 30 December 2012
Woke up late, yet surprisingly the boys woke up very early. They get to breakfast at the hotel, and we didn't haha. Check out and went out to eat again, Mee Sup! But the lontong tasted better -.-" Haha. Talk around the table. Off back to Angsana for awhile. Walk around, suddenly there was a blackout. Scary I must say. Finaally, back to Melakaaa in the evening. :)
I seriously typed almost everything. Well, I wanted to read it again in the future. It has to be a little bit detailed. Little bit? You call this little Aine Ilina? -.-" Oh well. Anyways! It was an AWESOME trip! Plus more awesome due to the coming finals that time LOL. Good times, good times, have to be cherish! Alhamdulillah♥
Assalamualaikum, and hope to have more trips and adventures! *simpanduit2*
Let's start with the journeeey!
Bismillah. This trip was actually a family day that was done by my dad's working place. So this year's to USS we go! Since I actually not expecting this coming, I had planned this trip with Kancil. Therefore, the result of tagging him along. And he tag a friend of ours. Shy shy cat la konon since the trip is with my family. The family that gathered is just those are still single. HAHAHA. My parents, and 2 of my sisters. The others couldn't join, for their reasons.
I've forgotten the dates. *checks calendar*
Friday. 28 December 2012
It was on the study week break. To Johor Bahru we gooo! We shoot out in the morning later that planned due to some problems LOL. We went directly to Johor from Melaka. Stops awhile for brunch, first stop UTM! Yeay. We met our long-lost friends. Long-lost la sangat. HAHA. It was fun hanging around with old friend, talking, eating ice cream and just laugh. Even though it was just for a short while they made time to meet us. Sweet gila. Lagi2 orang yang busy tu. HAHA. :P Orang datang dari jauh la katakan. Thank you domo, pika, dug, effa, opie, and others. :)
We went to meet my family at Plaza Angsana, that place looked new. It's been so long since I last went to Johor. Kancil's school mate surprisingly close with MY school mate, they know each other in UTM. They helped us lead to destinations. Thank you Effa and Opie. Walk around eat and talk. Meet up with the family and after that, next stop is the Johor Premium Outlets! Walk around walk walk and walk. And bought 2 cardigans from Cotton On. Hohoho. When it has gotten dark, started to move to next place! We went to eat at all-time-awesome Mee Rebus Tulang in Johor! Wuwuttt. Sedaap. :3 Typing this, making me so hungry right now. -.- BAD.
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Thank you Effa, & Opie :) |
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Fatty goodness. LAMB! :3' |
After 1 day of walking shopping and eating. Off we go to the hotel that we're staying for the weekend! The fun part of this hotel is, they have CAR ELEVATOR ! Awesomely super big elevator for cars to go to the car park. Cool idea to save spaces. So it got us all excited for awhile. Hahaha. Jakun gila -.-'. Got our keys and check the rooms. Later on, mama and abah asked us if wanted to go down to walk around at the Pasar Karat. Here is where the mystery came. We called the boys tons of times, there was no answer at all. It was just a little while since separated and they're gone missing. 0.0 Me and my sisters started to panic. Just because their room is quite scary looking, we thought alot of weird things. -.-" you know... Nevermind. And actually they're downstair went out earlier than anyone else. Great. Hahaha. Why the heck am I typing this down? -.- Ah well. So! That night after walking around the Pasar Karat. Lots of things caught my eyes, but it wasn't a shopping mood since we all are drop dead tired. Got back to the room and SLEEP!
Saturday 29 December 2012
Got up QUITE early for breakfast, and the Johor-Singapore bus SUPPOSED to pick us up early from the hotel. Well. The bus arrived late and wasted my sleeping time -.-. It was around 9-10 when the bus arrived. Then off to SINGAPORE! Go through the usual immigration process and stuff. And SAMPAI! Universal Studios Singaporeeee. Walk around, and first ride was the TRANSFORMER ride! It was awessommmee! I think if I ever going that place again Me going to ride that again Ngehngeh. Walk around the USS and take rides, till EVENING! Well, the boys enjoyed more rides. :) But! We got into a rock theater which was awesome too! It was a fun trip to USS! I think pictures will do best here.
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Le tickets. Ngeh ngeh ngeh. |
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Don't mind the Garret popcorn popping out from my handbag. -.- selekeh. |
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Such a gorgeous car. |
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Far far away Castle! :3 |
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Went to Shrek's houseee! :3 |
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Transformer rideee! |
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We are taxi models. HUAHUA |
Sunday 30 December 2012
Woke up late, yet surprisingly the boys woke up very early. They get to breakfast at the hotel, and we didn't haha. Check out and went out to eat again, Mee Sup! But the lontong tasted better -.-" Haha. Talk around the table. Off back to Angsana for awhile. Walk around, suddenly there was a blackout. Scary I must say. Finaally, back to Melakaaa in the evening. :)
I seriously typed almost everything. Well, I wanted to read it again in the future. It has to be a little bit detailed. Little bit? You call this little Aine Ilina? -.-" Oh well. Anyways! It was an AWESOME trip! Plus more awesome due to the coming finals that time LOL. Good times, good times, have to be cherish! Alhamdulillah♥
Assalamualaikum, and hope to have more trips and adventures! *simpanduit2*
Thursday, January 17, 2013
End of 2012.
Assalamualaikum and heyyyy deary blog!
It's been awhile. WAIT. NO. It's been a YEAR since I update this blog! o.o
Firstly, I want to apologise that I DIDN'T manage to the blogpost I said I was going to do, lot's of thing to do all of the sudden I was uber busy with lots of things. As a degree student, BUSY la kononnya with studies and also other activities. To make a proper apology to this long-dead blog. I'm going to post ALOT of thing from now on. Oh well you know. I've ended my third semester two days ago. The finals was okay. Alhamdulillah. :) Now, what's left for us all degree students is Doa and Tawakkal. So yeah! IM FREEEE.
Can I start with welcoming 2013 because I didn't?
For general information, LOL
I had no YEAY-ish celebration on welcoming 2013. Know why? Know why? Because my final started on the 2nd of January! YEAAY. See the conspiracy of it? LOL. And that will also be my another-excuse-to-be that I didn't blog for such a LONG time. A year to be honest. Hahaha.
2012, it was very FUN yet AWESOME with ups and downs. But I must say, I'm happy through out this year. A new BEGINNING, a new ME. Lots of things happened in a year. Too much to cherish and treasure. Lot's of memories that need to be written here. I have to update the posts. I forgets easily. That's the main purpose of this blog actually, for me to read back all the memories I wrote that I cherish. Anyways!
September, October, November, 2012
I wanted to update this blog with lots of things that happened in September 2012. But now, I only remembers some. But I'll just wrote those. Well, the highlights of september, I baked for my dearest Kancil on his birthday. Dating dengan Kancil on my birthday pulak. ANNDD the 'Awesome-est' part of september, my classmates pull a prank on me for my birthday. YEAY. *sarcasm tone. LOL. It was a sweet yet SMELLY experience! Hahaha. Well the sweet part is that they bought me A CAKE! 'AIR BASI' explains for the SMELLY part. Hahaha. It was just awesome till I felt like vomiting. Haha.
Started on october and november, I have no idea what I was up to. O.O I've forgotten. Maybe, I'm just busy with university stuff, studying for tests quiz and yada-yada. WOW. I sounded like I'm busy-er than a Prime Minister. Mid semester break, WHAT THE HECK DID I DO THEN? -.- Forgotten. Haih. I should update regularly. This sucks. LOL.
December! I surprisingly started to be super active participating in lots of activities in University. I was in CHESS for Sukan Antara Fakulti (SAF). I'm not even sure why chess is a sport. And and, I don't even play chess. But FKE won 1st for the match! :) I was just accompanying my friend but it was fun for the experience. There's this Konvensyen Keusahawanan, (Entrepreneurship Convention) where I apply to be the AJK! Wewuut. Gila aktif dah akhir dah final pulak tu. Hahaha! Other than that, I also participated in UNOCRIN Challenge. Well, I was just helping around with the senior's project. Doing something like this have develop skills that you can't get in class. The supervisor take us to be in a 3 different groups, with almost the same person. I know this is hardly understandable, but to be straight, there was 3 project we're working on together. PERRGH HEBAT. Hahaha. It was a great experience too. Even though there was a LOT of thing need to be done in a short time. Stressful WE ALL must say. But SEE? I survived, we survived. Alhamdulillah.
There's the part where WORKLOADS are just piling and piling up and THERE's LIKE NO HOPE TO CONTINUE ANYMORE. Haha drama habis. Tiring, yet stressful. But when the result is infront of you, on what you've work on all this time, NIKMAT DIA, pergghh. Hahaha. I'm rojaking too much already. Sorry. LOL.
In the end of December, my family and I went on a trip to Johor and guess what? I have strikethrough a list on 'my saving for' list. JYEAHH. Universal Studios Singaporreeeee! It was AWESOME, plus I tag Kancil along. Ngeh ngeh ngeh. And also a friend of ours. How can that not be AWESOME? LOL. Will write on the trip soon and link it here! Me going to post it separately, since this has been SUPER LONG POST -.- Pardon me.
Lastly, even though it is super delayed. *ended up welcoming at the end of the post -.-"
Goodbye 2012, and HELLO to 2013. I hope this year is going to be better than the last last last years.
InsyaAllah. Aamiin♥
wow that was AWESOMElY long!
Assalamualaikum and byebye tata titi tutu!♥
It's been awhile. WAIT. NO. It's been a YEAR since I update this blog! o.o
Firstly, I want to apologise that I DIDN'T manage to the blogpost I said I was going to do, lot's of thing to do all of the sudden I was uber busy with lots of things. As a degree student, BUSY la kononnya with studies and also other activities. To make a proper apology to this long-dead blog. I'm going to post ALOT of thing from now on. Oh well you know. I've ended my third semester two days ago. The finals was okay. Alhamdulillah. :) Now, what's left for us all degree students is Doa and Tawakkal. So yeah! IM FREEEE.
Can I start with welcoming 2013 because I didn't?
For general information, LOL
I had no YEAY-ish celebration on welcoming 2013. Know why? Know why? Because my final started on the 2nd of January! YEAAY. See the conspiracy of it? LOL. And that will also be my another-excuse-to-be that I didn't blog for such a LONG time. A year to be honest. Hahaha.
2012, it was very FUN yet AWESOME with ups and downs. But I must say, I'm happy through out this year. A new BEGINNING, a new ME. Lots of things happened in a year. Too much to cherish and treasure. Lot's of memories that need to be written here. I have to update the posts. I forgets easily. That's the main purpose of this blog actually, for me to read back all the memories I wrote that I cherish. Anyways!
September, October, November, 2012
I wanted to update this blog with lots of things that happened in September 2012. But now, I only remembers some. But I'll just wrote those. Well, the highlights of september, I baked for my dearest Kancil on his birthday. Dating dengan Kancil on my birthday pulak. ANNDD the 'Awesome-est' part of september, my classmates pull a prank on me for my birthday. YEAY. *sarcasm tone. LOL. It was a sweet yet SMELLY experience! Hahaha. Well the sweet part is that they bought me A CAKE! 'AIR BASI' explains for the SMELLY part. Hahaha. It was just awesome till I felt like vomiting. Haha.
Started on october and november, I have no idea what I was up to. O.O I've forgotten. Maybe, I'm just busy with university stuff, studying for tests quiz and yada-yada. WOW. I sounded like I'm busy-er than a Prime Minister. Mid semester break, WHAT THE HECK DID I DO THEN? -.- Forgotten. Haih. I should update regularly. This sucks. LOL.
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Nerd-like busy-ness. To strive SUCCESS. Yeahh. And just lazy actually :B |
There's the part where WORKLOADS are just piling and piling up and THERE's LIKE NO HOPE TO CONTINUE ANYMORE. Haha drama habis. Tiring, yet stressful. But when the result is infront of you, on what you've work on all this time, NIKMAT DIA, pergghh. Hahaha. I'm rojaking too much already. Sorry. LOL.
In the end of December, my family and I went on a trip to Johor and guess what? I have strikethrough a list on 'my saving for' list. JYEAHH. Universal Studios Singaporreeeee! It was AWESOME, plus I tag Kancil along. Ngeh ngeh ngeh. And also a friend of ours. How can that not be AWESOME? LOL. Will write on the trip soon and link it here! Me going to post it separately, since this has been SUPER LONG POST -.- Pardon me.
Lastly, even though it is super delayed. *ended up welcoming at the end of the post -.-"
Goodbye 2012, and HELLO to 2013. I hope this year is going to be better than the last last last years.
InsyaAllah. Aamiin♥
wow that was AWESOMElY long!
Assalamualaikum and byebye tata titi tutu!♥
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
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