I failed as a blogger! If ever I get a job doing blogs, I would have been got fired from my job by now. Last post was in February, and now... It's already April! :O Oh well. That's that. I've been busy most of the times, sleeping, studying, eating. Well at most time I was just sleeping. The past few months, I've been doing nothing much I guess, that is why this blog has nothing to be updated on. Actually, I'm having my mid term break right now, a week. Only. Sad. I know. Better than nothing though.
So, last few days, A LOT of things happened and I would like to write it here, to be WRITTEN. Lulz duhh. Can't I be MORE obvious? Okay. So! I started the midterm with my second sister's Engagement day on last Sunday on 7th April 2013. Well, it was busy2, tiring. I bake. That's the only tiring part actually. Thanks to my beloved friend went home with me for the weekend helped out around the house, a lot. Thank you Syu! Anyways. It was okay. Kancil came woowoot. Let's just skip a part of the story and just make it only us who was there knows. Haha. The sister had her make up done, she looked totally different. But, anyway. Congratulations on your Engagement Day, Aine Izzaidah! I eat A LOT these few days.
The past few days, Kancil stayed here in KL. Went out to KLCC on Monday and also Tuesday. From the early morning, till the evening. We was supposed to go to the Petrosains or the Planetarium, but both closes on Monday. Therefore, we decided to check on the Aquaria. I went there last time with the family, was sponsored. Haha. This time, check the rate, woah. Not gonna happen, expensive. LOL. So we just walk around and watched Olympus Has Fallen. It was a great movie, push aside the beginning part where I fell asleep .__. Membazir, I know. Had lunch after that and walk around again. Literally walked around okay, didn't even go in any of the stores. Because, I don't want to ended up buying something expensive HAHA.
On tuesday, we started the journey early too. Haha. Since the Petrosains was closed on monday, decided to go on Tuesday instead. Muahaha. Bagus betul hari-hari pergi KLCC. Lebur lebur. Hahaha. Wanted to go Petrosains so badly, macam kanak-kanak :P. Petrosains is cool okay. Haha. It was so fun. Not much of pictures but it was super fun :D. Lol dating kat Petrosains. Oh oh, forgot to state the rate. There was a promotion, 2 places and get 50% off. There was this Sultan Invention Exhibition thinggy. Bought the combo tickets for like RM17! Great deal huh? Nasib tak masuk Aquaria which was 2 times the price!
The Petrosains people are so cute and nice too! Took picturess!
Made that swan with HARDWORK okay! :D |
Rambut dah sama dah :P |

Double magnified. HAHA. |
After Petrosains met new friends! Hahaha.Well It's Kancil's friends. Hanafi and Faro. And coincidentally met Dug too. Haha. Talk along lunch. And went to continue with the Sultan Exhibition. Fun fun day. That evening had early dinner or tea time. And just CHINWAG. Lulz. Started journey home a lil late, and YEAY stuck in the JAMMED road. .______________. I still haven't get to go to the Planetarium T_T
The END.
*just got lazy to continue actually. HAHA.