21st September 2013, the day I turned 21! Gosh, I'm so OLD already.
Firstly, I would like to shout out my thanks to the AWESOME Humans that wished me on Facebook, Twitter, Text, Whatsapp, WeChat, personally, and others. I am so so so soooooooooooo happy with just all of the wishes. To those who wished on facebook, I really hope I could reply each of them, but the internet connection at my place in Melaka super snail-ish. I appreciate every little things! I love you humans! :3 Mama and the family pun wish via WhatsApp, zaman dah majuuu. :3 Thank you Mama for the present! Inani for the shawl from Abu Dhabi. Mekasihhh.
Anyway. It's the first time that I didn't go home on my birthday, due to laziness and I'm tired to drive home because I've drove home EVERY weekend for the past 2 weeks before my Birthday happen. HAHA. So decided to stay put in Melaka. Takpelah kot, first time dapat celebrate dengan si Kancil on my birthday. :) Hehehe.
So, on my birthday, Kancil brought me out, and... We went to the ZOO. Yeahahaha. Celebrate dengan kawan2 gamaknya la kot. HAHA. Just bored of malls, so instead went to the Zoo. Well, it went well, and the weather was just nice. It was fun! I saw giraffes, elephants, tigers, tortoise, KANCILs, haha irony, hahaha. Urmm what else? Crocodiles, hippos, miniature horse, wow, it's a zoo, am I really going to list all of the animals. .____. oh well. It was so full of animal facts? Haha. Went Zoo Melaka, the zoo looked like it hasn't be taken care of properly. The animal looked so unhappy. *animal instinct ke ni? HAHA. After the zoo trip, had dinner and watched a movie. :) It was a great day.
Thank you Iktisyam for the treat, trip and the presents! . ♥
*will post the polaroid pictures soon, belum scan*
TODAY! Im actually home, and that is the reason why I could update my blog successfully without any distractions and internet problems. The girlfriends asked me out for lunch for post birthday celebration! :3 We went to the Upstairs Cafe in Subang. It was a small cafe, nice and pretty for hangouts. Sit, drink fraps and catching up. Thanks for the treat Rus, Siti! :) Ate a red velvet cake that tasted like the paddle pop rainbow ice-cream. It was a delicious cake! Roast beef sandwich and Mocha frappesse. The mocha frap is nice :3 suites my sweet tongue. Haha. *I don't usually drink any bitter drinks, especially coffee. Rus had the Spaghetti carbonara. That's delicious too! Nak pergi lagi nanti, tapi tak tau jalan, since Rus jadi driver harini. Hehe, thanks Rus. After done with lunch, went to Sunway Pyramid! Had fun today, just catching up with them. Thank you korang for today!♥
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Upstairs cafe with Siti and Rus! ♥ polaroid pictures belum scan. huahua
picture credits: Rus Azureen. :3
I've finally turned 21. I hope that I would always remember and love the family, friends, and Kancil that always have been alongside me through thick and thin. I love them to bits, and hope to have them with me as long as I can live. They are my support and a big part of my life. Thank you, you awesome humans. Thank you for colouring my life. It's colourful now, and will always be, insyaAllah. I wish to grow up, and be a better person every day. I pray for our success in our life and for the hereafter. Last important note: please be a little bit mature from now on, okay Aine? :P Hihi. That's the most difficult task for me! Oh well.
Thank you very very much, I appreciate every little things. ♥