Saturday, October 19, 2013

Reading my past.


Just finished reading some of my past posts, OH MY. My blog writing back then. Colourful, centered, short, next line after. I was a child. Still am. Haha. I changed my writing a lot. Hahaha. Membesar la katakan, sikit :) I write alot of my fandom back then. Oh the dayss. Whatever it is, I'm still going to keep them. Or maybe just some of them. Reading those posts, brings back memories that I don't even remember anymore. Haha. I forgets easily, you see.  

Monday, October 14, 2013

Salam Aidiladha.

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One day, I would like to be there and perform Hajj.
Pray hard, if Allah wills. Hope I'll get there. Amin.♥
Salam Aidiladha to every muslims out there.
Let's take everyday as a chance to become a better muslims. Jom berhijrah. Yeayy.

The type of movie.

The type of movie that I can watch so many times, and wont get bored of it. Seriously. I've watched these movie so many times already. And I still think of rewatching it, again. Haha.

Oh great! While I was searching the How Train Your Dragon poster! I just found that the 2nd sequel will be out next yeaarr! OHMYYYY. :3  Here's the official trailer...

Arghhh June 2014!!! EKSAITEDNYA. Can't wait. :)
Anyway! For those who have not watch any from my list above. Please do watch. They're all great movies, by far from my judgement lah. Hihi.♥
Sunday, October 13, 2013



Aine Ilina berseluar track. Itu RARE.

Last weekend, there was a program by SRM UTeM, Let's Kayak with SRM..
So yeah, Iouls berkayak uols. Huahua. Sakit bahu tu lama pulakkkk. Nampak sangat dah lama tak bersukan. Ish ish ish. Penyakit malas menular. Itulah alasan. Program tu sekali dengan Wall Climbing, tapi tak berani eden nak naik Wall tu, was not prepared for that ._. Berkayak pun dah cuak tenggelam satgi susah pulak. Sekarang ni, masih mencari Squash Court kat melaka tu. Boleh lah releasekan tension sikit, pukul dinding.

Program Let's Kayak ni start dengan game yang sangat memerli diri ni,
Arnab cari rumah.

Berpecah 2 group, satu group naik Wall, satu group berkayaak. We're lucky we got Kayak first :) Sebab pepagi belum panas lagi. Dan untuk pengumuman, saya ni penakut, maka tak naiklah wall. Huahua. Bila nak berani? Tak tahu. Sekian.

Nak tunjuk gambar!

Bersukan amalan sihat ye kawan kawan. :3
Malas nak sambung cerita lagi, sampai situ saje. Haha.


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