So far I've colour in this much :)
I've been away from the painting when Ramadhan started.
not much of progress. Will work on it more! :)
Take care, Selamat berbuka for those who are fasting!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Ramadhan is here ♥
Alhamdulillah, we've got a chance to meet another Ramadhan this year.
Let's not waste it, and use all the benefits in this wonderful month of Ramadhan.
Repent and do good. May us all, muslims have a bless-full Ramadhan.
InsyaAllah. Happy Ramadhan to all muslims out there!♥
Fasting niat for a month.
Daily fasting niat.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
My whole day with them.
Assalamualaikum and HEY Y'ALL!
So I made plans to hang out with these humans :P
Went out from house quite late due to the chores that needed to be done. So I drove all the way to Sunway Pyramid with them! So, when we get there we were having trouble to find the toilets that actually have water. Human nowadays, the technology and all. HUHU. Now bidet what's next? Nabihah said in the future there might be a ROBOT to clean us up. OH MY. -.-" HAHA. Let's just stick with tap and pipes shall we? HAHA. Okay, enough with the toilet talk. Sounds inappropriate, but that's that. Haha. Toilets nowadays look awesome though. HAHA.
The plan was to watch The Amazing Spiderman. I was like, why in the world that they have to remake the same story again? But in different version? I'm not sure myself. I don't really watch all of them. Haha. I just watch them, when I watch them. Geddit? LOL. So yeaah. Got the tickets after lunch at Ayam Penyet, and the movie was AWESOME. I'll give a 4 out of 5 since the Peter Parker is super CUTE. Ngeheh. HAHA. Humors is good, overall is good. So, i suggest you, who reading this, go and watch. If you want to laa. And I know most of you watched it already? LOL okay, fine.
So we just walk around the pyramid up and down left to right. SAMPAI LEMBIK.
More and more pictures!
So I had fun, WE had lots of fun, and walking haha. Lots of catching up too :). Ain bought clothes! Ask Irynna to join, but she couldn't. Huhu. No worries, there's loads of time, insyaAllah we'll hang out again. Since there's a lot more pictures, I'll upload them all on Facebook instead :) Fuhh, thinking of yesterday walk sure made me tired HAHA. Lameee. Stop and stareee.
Assalamualaikum and may the force be with yoouu. Da da dam da da dam da da dam~ :D
p/s: I have not yet watch Star Wars. Heh. I just got too random.
So I made plans to hang out with these humans :P
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Nabihah, me, Wafaa' and Ain! <3 |
Went out from house quite late due to the chores that needed to be done. So I drove all the way to Sunway Pyramid with them! So, when we get there we were having trouble to find the toilets that actually have water. Human nowadays, the technology and all. HUHU. Now bidet what's next? Nabihah said in the future there might be a ROBOT to clean us up. OH MY. -.-" HAHA. Let's just stick with tap and pipes shall we? HAHA. Okay, enough with the toilet talk. Sounds inappropriate, but that's that. Haha. Toilets nowadays look awesome though. HAHA.
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Toilet pun jadi lah :P |

So we just walk around the pyramid up and down left to right. SAMPAI LEMBIK.
More and more pictures!
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FOREVER 21 madness. Haha, lots of pictures taken. Tried on that heels that made me look like a MONSTER. HUGE. |
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Forever 21, Nabihah the cameragirl. HIHI |
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WE WENT TO SHIBUYA! hahaha. Kidding, its the Asian Avenue of course. :P |
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Lunch at Ayam Penyet Api. :3 |
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Wafaa' on the photocrafts' glass door =.=" |
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At this moment, we all are tired to the max. |
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Hihi bought that mustache ring at Asian Avenue. Its so cute! It was RM10. That's all i spent for yesterday. Excluding the lunch and movies and other food, yeah. HAHA. |
So I had fun, WE had lots of fun, and walking haha. Lots of catching up too :). Ain bought clothes! Ask Irynna to join, but she couldn't. Huhu. No worries, there's loads of time, insyaAllah we'll hang out again. Since there's a lot more pictures, I'll upload them all on Facebook instead :) Fuhh, thinking of yesterday walk sure made me tired HAHA. Lameee. Stop and stareee.
Assalamualaikum and may the force be with yoouu. Da da dam da da dam da da dam~ :D
p/s: I have not yet watch Star Wars. Heh. I just got too random.
stuff about:
Ayam Penyet,
forever 21,
Sunway Pyramid,
The amazing spiderman

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Bila rebit tekun nak mampus.
Assalamualaikum dan salam satu rebitpage untuk semua! :D
Haha ayat tajuk macam teruk gila. Tapi itulah kebenarannya. HAHA
Apa lah yang si Rebit ni duk tekun buat tu? HAHA.
Ni ha!
Tu la apa yang si rebit ni duk tekun mewarna je kerja dia 2-3 hari ni. HAHA. Tekun sampai orang cakap pun jawab ahh, haa? apa dia? LOL. Painting kit ni beli kat kedai besar dia kat Ikano Power Centre haritu. Kedai tu dekat sebelah foodcourt. Tapi benda ni dah banyak dah, kat mana-mana pun ada. Saja beli nak menghabiskan masa yang banyak gila ni. HAHA. Menganggurkan, biasa lah. Dulu selalu jumpa kat Melaka, memang teringin nak beli macam awesome gila kan, pastu dah jumpa ni terus beli, sebab duduk rumah pun tade benda sangat pun nak buat cuti ni.
Kit yang atas ni, besar gila nak mampus okay, cuba la tengok nombor2 kecik2 kat bawah tu. Memang lama la duk mengadap benda ni je nanti. HOHO. Oh oh, Eda pun tolong jugak, tapi dia nak warna-warna yang cantik je. HAHA yang hijau ke coklat ke dia taknak. Yang menarik je. Haha tak boleh bla, bila tah nak siap. Tercabut pinggang buat benda ni oh, nak mencari nombor bagai. HUHU. Tapi bila dah nampak sikit gambaran dia macam gembira gila LOL. Eksaited betul. Kalau la aku study setekun mewarna benda ni, mesti dah empat rata dah. HAHA ini serius!
Akan terus mengupdate gambar painting ni sampailah siap. HUHU.
Siapa yang teringin nak try painting kit ni jugak boleh la keluar rumah tu mencari kit ni. Jusco ada rasanya. Eh entahlah. Kiosk pun banyak rasanya kat mana-mana pun. HAHA.
Apa-apa pun tekan ni kalau nak lompat ke laman web -----> Pre-sen-te
Okay, tu je la untuk hari ini.
Assalamualaikum dan semoga ceria selalu!
stuff about:
painting by number,

Saturday, July 14, 2012
The opposite of me.
Assalamualaikum and good afternoon readers! :3
She's the wacky best friend of mine.
Not to say that she's absolutely opposite of me, but in most character, yes. Perhaps that's why we get along very easily. Used to crash her house a lot in the past. Just having fun talk about random stuffs. So we went to IKEA yesterdayyy~!
Like i said, she's opposite of me. I'm very lazy to do anything. But she's the type that can't do NOTHING. Haha, a medic student in UM. Very hardworking I must say. Going to be a very fashionable doctor in the future, perhaps? Irynna told me that if she passed her final, then only we can go out. So I drove her to damansara and walk around Ikano, The Curve, and Cineleisure. I spent on loads of things. Bought 2 vintage blouses, Burt's bees lip balm, and HUGE painting kit. I PAMPERED myself with shopping yesterday LOL.
So, pictures~!
I actually don't really know at which place is which on the picture LOL. Irynna knows the place better. I was just following around, kinda lost. Haha after a long walk in a Mall I was like, where are we again? HAHA. There's just lots of building that are connected to each other. Haha. I was blurr and confused. HOHO. The pictures have explained and story a lot of things. I'll stop typing here.
Assalamualaikum, take care and have a great weekend! Over and out.
She's the wacky best friend of mine.
Not to say that she's absolutely opposite of me, but in most character, yes. Perhaps that's why we get along very easily. Used to crash her house a lot in the past. Just having fun talk about random stuffs. So we went to IKEA yesterdayyy~!
Like i said, she's opposite of me. I'm very lazy to do anything. But she's the type that can't do NOTHING. Haha, a medic student in UM. Very hardworking I must say. Going to be a very fashionable doctor in the future, perhaps? Irynna told me that if she passed her final, then only we can go out. So I drove her to damansara and walk around Ikano, The Curve, and Cineleisure. I spent on loads of things. Bought 2 vintage blouses, Burt's bees lip balm, and HUGE painting kit. I PAMPERED myself with shopping yesterday LOL.
So, pictures~!
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Irynna and her chatime. I don't know why people are addicted to these lately :O HAHA |
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Infront of Royal Ice Skating Rink, never knew there was a ROYAL ice skating rink there. |
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Took a picture with the pretty light pole because we can. HAHA. The flowers was so CUTE! <3 Pardon for my fat-ness HAHAHA. =.=" |
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Taking a picture with the IKEA CURRYPUFF. DELICIOUSSS! :9 |
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Love this convex lens! Haha it made us looked so PETITE. We already am, though. TEEHEE. |
Assalamualaikum, take care and have a great weekend! Over and out.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Inilah yang dinanti-nantikan.
Assalamualaikum and salam satu blogger.
Sejak quote 1Malaysia tu wujud, semua nak ada satu kat semua benda. Sampai huruf I pun dah tak perlu lagi. Nasib huruf I yang sangat menyedihkan. :( Tak begitu?
Dah off-topic. Eh kejap, asal panas eh harini? Pasang A/C sekejap.
Jadi, apa yang dinanti-nantikan sangat ni? Aine nak kahwin dah ke? Aine nak berhenti belajar ke? :O Okay itu bukan, dan semestinya bukan nak tulis pasal Naki. Cukuplah sekadar type nama dia sikit kat sini. Bangga la tu. Ini gara-gara takda idea nak update blog, tanya TL kat twitter HOHO. Naki sibuk suruh selit2 kan nama dia. Okay dah ada tu cukup la. :P Kembali ke pangkal jalan, so rasa-rasanya apa? Haha. Semestilah, bulan RAMADHAN yang hampir tiba.
Eh? Sebelum ni tak pernah nak kisah pun bulan Ramadhan. Tahu nak raya je. Huhu
Hahaha. Sejujurnyalah, memang masa dulu2 kita taktau sangat nikmat bulan Ramadhan ni. Selepas beberapa tahun. Baru la sedar kenapa ramai muslim mengejar kenikmatan bulan Ramadhan ni. Ye la kan, masa kecik di ajar kena puasa. Tahan lapar sampai maghrib. Selain daripada tu, syaitan kena gari. Tapi tak pernah nak ambil tahu kenapa, untuk apa. Pemikiran masa tu, hanya pikir, oh bulan Ramadhan, kena puasa. And that's it. Memanglah nikmat kemenangan semasa dah berbuka tu sangat best, tapi itu sahaja.
Tapi apa yang kita tak tahu tentang bulan Ramadhan?
Bulan Ramadhan bulan untuk kita meneliti mengenali diri kita sebenar. Kekuatan diri sendiri untuk menahan nafsu. Sebab masa ramadhan tak ada dah syaitan nak goda-goda bagai. Jadi kalau buat benda bukan-bukan tu 100% dari diri sendiri. Selain kalau ada kawan duk buat kerja setan duk menggoda. Jangan ingat benda ni tak wujud okay. Ada je di kalangan kita. Kena ingatkan diri sendiri jugak. Huhu.
Pintu-pintu neraka ditutup dan pintu syurga dibuka luas. Masa bulan Ramadhan ni la, kita nak menguatkan balik iman kita yang kejap naik kejap turun ni. Huhu. Latih diri untuk buat amalan yang baik sepanjang bulan tu. Kalau tak silap la, kalau lakukan rutin yang sama selama 30hari, rutin tu akan melekat sampai bila-bila. Jadi, cubalah try baca Qur'an hari2. Bukan time Ramadhan je, esok pun dah boleh mula. Cuma bila dilakukan pada bulan Ramadhan, ganjarannya digandakan berkali-kali. InsyaAllah. Berusahalah mencari malam lailatul qadar pada sepuluh malam terakhir pada bulan Ramadhan nanti. :)
Ni bukan cuma peringatan untuk semua, tapi untuk diri sendiri jugak.
Manusia kan, kita sering lupa, harini update macam ni, esok nanti lupa apa yang sendiri tulis tu. Sebab tu la kita ada keluarga dan rakan-rakan yang sering mengingatkan kita tentang benda2 ni. Memang kena sering diingatkan. Itu normal. :)
Seronok kot bulan Ramadhan, masa tu lah, mengeratkan keluarga dan rakan-rakan. Buat iftar, berbuka ramai-ramai. Haha. Makan tu yang menyeronokkan. Haha teruk betul. -.-" Pastu semua orang suka gila benda ni bila Ramadhan datang. Haha. BAZAR RAMADHAN laaa~ Masa ni la diuji dengan banyak gila jenis makanan, kuih muih. Mesti rambang mata nak ni nak tu. Pastu beli banyak2, makannya sikit je masa berbuka. Kalau makan tak pe, bukan nak melarang pun. Cuma jangan membazir. HABISKAN JUGAK! HAHA. Orang tamak selalu rugi. Tetiba selit tak tentu arah betul post ni. LOL.
Mak aih, baru lepas scroll, panjang bebenau la pulak post ni.
Naki yang bagi idea suruh post pasal puasa. Apa-apa pun thank you. Haha. Kecoh nau. :P Jangan buat baik time Ramadhan je, keep it up sampai bila2 amalan yang kita duk asyik buat tu. InsyaAllah, kalau kerana Allah banyak ganjarannya di akhirat kelak. :D Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal! LOL tagline orang pun aku curi. HAHA.
Harap-harap tak lembik ah masa Ramadhan nanti. Kuatkan diri ! YEAAAHH<-- jeritan semangat
LOL. Alaa, baru puasa kan, belum suruh pergi berperang betul2 lagi. Ni baru berperang dengan nafsu. Boleh punya. InsyaAllah. :)
Baru lepas dinner. Hahaha. Publish was delayed. Sedap gila mama masak tadi HOHO.
Okay. Tu je, cari gambar tadi macam tade la pulak. Jadi tak bergambarlah post ni. Macam biasa. HAHA. Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam semuaa! <3
Sejak quote 1Malaysia tu wujud, semua nak ada satu kat semua benda. Sampai huruf I pun dah tak perlu lagi. Nasib huruf I yang sangat menyedihkan. :( Tak begitu?
Dah off-topic. Eh kejap, asal panas eh harini? Pasang A/C sekejap.
Jadi, apa yang dinanti-nantikan sangat ni? Aine nak kahwin dah ke? Aine nak berhenti belajar ke? :O Okay itu bukan, dan semestinya bukan nak tulis pasal Naki. Cukuplah sekadar type nama dia sikit kat sini. Bangga la tu. Ini gara-gara takda idea nak update blog, tanya TL kat twitter HOHO. Naki sibuk suruh selit2 kan nama dia. Okay dah ada tu cukup la. :P Kembali ke pangkal jalan, so rasa-rasanya apa? Haha. Semestilah, bulan RAMADHAN yang hampir tiba.
Eh? Sebelum ni tak pernah nak kisah pun bulan Ramadhan. Tahu nak raya je. Huhu
Hahaha. Sejujurnyalah, memang masa dulu2 kita taktau sangat nikmat bulan Ramadhan ni. Selepas beberapa tahun. Baru la sedar kenapa ramai muslim mengejar kenikmatan bulan Ramadhan ni. Ye la kan, masa kecik di ajar kena puasa. Tahan lapar sampai maghrib. Selain daripada tu, syaitan kena gari. Tapi tak pernah nak ambil tahu kenapa, untuk apa. Pemikiran masa tu, hanya pikir, oh bulan Ramadhan, kena puasa. And that's it. Memanglah nikmat kemenangan semasa dah berbuka tu sangat best, tapi itu sahaja.
Tapi apa yang kita tak tahu tentang bulan Ramadhan?
Bulan Ramadhan bulan untuk kita meneliti mengenali diri kita sebenar. Kekuatan diri sendiri untuk menahan nafsu. Sebab masa ramadhan tak ada dah syaitan nak goda-goda bagai. Jadi kalau buat benda bukan-bukan tu 100% dari diri sendiri. Selain kalau ada kawan duk buat kerja setan duk menggoda. Jangan ingat benda ni tak wujud okay. Ada je di kalangan kita. Kena ingatkan diri sendiri jugak. Huhu.
Pintu-pintu neraka ditutup dan pintu syurga dibuka luas. Masa bulan Ramadhan ni la, kita nak menguatkan balik iman kita yang kejap naik kejap turun ni. Huhu. Latih diri untuk buat amalan yang baik sepanjang bulan tu. Kalau tak silap la, kalau lakukan rutin yang sama selama 30hari, rutin tu akan melekat sampai bila-bila. Jadi, cubalah try baca Qur'an hari2. Bukan time Ramadhan je, esok pun dah boleh mula. Cuma bila dilakukan pada bulan Ramadhan, ganjarannya digandakan berkali-kali. InsyaAllah. Berusahalah mencari malam lailatul qadar pada sepuluh malam terakhir pada bulan Ramadhan nanti. :)
Ni bukan cuma peringatan untuk semua, tapi untuk diri sendiri jugak.
Manusia kan, kita sering lupa, harini update macam ni, esok nanti lupa apa yang sendiri tulis tu. Sebab tu la kita ada keluarga dan rakan-rakan yang sering mengingatkan kita tentang benda2 ni. Memang kena sering diingatkan. Itu normal. :)
Seronok kot bulan Ramadhan, masa tu lah, mengeratkan keluarga dan rakan-rakan. Buat iftar, berbuka ramai-ramai. Haha. Makan tu yang menyeronokkan. Haha teruk betul. -.-" Pastu semua orang suka gila benda ni bila Ramadhan datang. Haha. BAZAR RAMADHAN laaa~ Masa ni la diuji dengan banyak gila jenis makanan, kuih muih. Mesti rambang mata nak ni nak tu. Pastu beli banyak2, makannya sikit je masa berbuka. Kalau makan tak pe, bukan nak melarang pun. Cuma jangan membazir. HABISKAN JUGAK! HAHA. Orang tamak selalu rugi. Tetiba selit tak tentu arah betul post ni. LOL.
Mak aih, baru lepas scroll, panjang bebenau la pulak post ni.
Naki yang bagi idea suruh post pasal puasa. Apa-apa pun thank you. Haha. Kecoh nau. :P Jangan buat baik time Ramadhan je, keep it up sampai bila2 amalan yang kita duk asyik buat tu. InsyaAllah, kalau kerana Allah banyak ganjarannya di akhirat kelak. :D Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal! LOL tagline orang pun aku curi. HAHA.
Harap-harap tak lembik ah masa Ramadhan nanti. Kuatkan diri ! YEAAAHH<-- jeritan semangat
LOL. Alaa, baru puasa kan, belum suruh pergi berperang betul2 lagi. Ni baru berperang dengan nafsu. Boleh punya. InsyaAllah. :)
Baru lepas dinner. Hahaha. Publish was delayed. Sedap gila mama masak tadi HOHO.
Okay. Tu je, cari gambar tadi macam tade la pulak. Jadi tak bergambarlah post ni. Macam biasa. HAHA. Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam semuaa! <3
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Born-procrastinator, perhaps?
Assalamualaikum and good early morning dear readers!
Its wednesday? Suppose to be a wordless day. OH WELL. Lets just update. :D
Not been having a so-productive weeks lately. Im just plain lazy like seriously lazy, lazy. Get it? Haih.
I found this note on tumblr a long time ago. I think it's time for me to give it a try.
It seems FUN when you actually HAVE something productive to do for A day. The sweet of accomplishment, yes, that's it! Huhu. Well i procrastinate a lot lately. I haven't even put my mind on the first mission that I've been plotting since before semester break. Bad huh? SO LAZY YOU AINE. It's just baking though. I'm just lazy because the ingredients are not enough. Eleh, alasan. I forgot to buy them. Anyways, that's not just it. I also abandoned this blog! Seems that updates are once a week. :( I used to blog everyday! BAD. No IDEA maah. HAHA.
It's very hard to get ideas when you're home alone with chores and literally sits infront of the TV for almost the whole day. Haha, tak sihat langsung. Yes, my routine is unhealthy. AND I eat A LOT lately. Haih. I keep on walking into and out the kitchen so many times. There's so many things that I can cook in the kitchen, its just the fact that I don't want to. I'm getting FAT. Hahaha. That's what you get with an unhealthy life AINE! Hoho. Im talking to myself.
Whatever it is, let's talk about FOOD shall we? Haha, this is actually not a good idea at 2am, but oh well. Sorry if I made my readers drools or got hungry after reading this. Lets just put it this way, LETS BE FAT TOGETHER! HAHAHA. Such a evil mind of mine. Okay. This week, I actually cook quite often, (baru dua kali Hehe, teruk betul) it's just, nobody will eat anyway! Haha. So, I've been craving to cook Dukbokki! Yes, its the korean dish. Korean rice cake with spicy sauce. I bought the rice cake, and korean chili paste (gochujang) in a korean super market. But actually you can find them in Jusco. But let me remind yooouu. CERTAIN Jusco only sells korean ingredients.
Let me show you a picture!
Well the picture was taken with my mum's iPad so, its not that good in quality. It looked yummier in person too! Let me tell you the recipe in brief.
4cups of water,
Anchovies (important)
2-6 tbspn of Korean chili paste.
1 tbspn of sugar
2 green onions
300g of rice cakes.
This recipe can be modified to your likings. But I've underestimate the korean chili paste, they're actually quite spicy! :3
I'll try my best to update tomorrow!
It's time for me to sleep.
Assalamualaikum and good night? Haha so messed up.
Its wednesday? Suppose to be a wordless day. OH WELL. Lets just update. :D
Not been having a so-productive weeks lately. Im just plain lazy like seriously lazy, lazy. Get it? Haih.
I found this note on tumblr a long time ago. I think it's time for me to give it a try.
It seems FUN when you actually HAVE something productive to do for A day. The sweet of accomplishment, yes, that's it! Huhu. Well i procrastinate a lot lately. I haven't even put my mind on the first mission that I've been plotting since before semester break. Bad huh? SO LAZY YOU AINE. It's just baking though. I'm just lazy because the ingredients are not enough. Eleh, alasan. I forgot to buy them. Anyways, that's not just it. I also abandoned this blog! Seems that updates are once a week. :( I used to blog everyday! BAD. No IDEA maah. HAHA.
It's very hard to get ideas when you're home alone with chores and literally sits infront of the TV for almost the whole day. Haha, tak sihat langsung. Yes, my routine is unhealthy. AND I eat A LOT lately. Haih. I keep on walking into and out the kitchen so many times. There's so many things that I can cook in the kitchen, its just the fact that I don't want to. I'm getting FAT. Hahaha. That's what you get with an unhealthy life AINE! Hoho. Im talking to myself.
Whatever it is, let's talk about FOOD shall we? Haha, this is actually not a good idea at 2am, but oh well. Sorry if I made my readers drools or got hungry after reading this. Lets just put it this way, LETS BE FAT TOGETHER! HAHAHA. Such a evil mind of mine. Okay. This week, I actually cook quite often, (baru dua kali Hehe, teruk betul) it's just, nobody will eat anyway! Haha. So, I've been craving to cook Dukbokki! Yes, its the korean dish. Korean rice cake with spicy sauce. I bought the rice cake, and korean chili paste (gochujang) in a korean super market. But actually you can find them in Jusco. But let me remind yooouu. CERTAIN Jusco only sells korean ingredients.
Let me show you a picture!
Well the picture was taken with my mum's iPad so, its not that good in quality. It looked yummier in person too! Let me tell you the recipe in brief.
4cups of water,
Anchovies (important)
2-6 tbspn of Korean chili paste.
1 tbspn of sugar
2 green onions
300g of rice cakes.
This recipe can be modified to your likings. But I've underestimate the korean chili paste, they're actually quite spicy! :3
- Make anchovy stock! Put the water and anchovies, 7 for big ones, or about 1tbspn for small ones. Just let it bonds together. Haha. For about 5-7minutes. Up to you.
- Then! Pick up all the anchovies, we just want the stock anyway :)
- Put other ingredients in! Korean chili paste, sugar, rice cakes, onions. For fish cake lovers, you may add fish cakes. It kinda gives better taste to the sauce :) 2tbspn of korean chili paste is enough for those that could not handle spiciness.
- Now! Continuously stir everything, until the sauce and rice cake thickens! It will in matter of time, trust me. HAHA.
- EAT!
I actually put 3tbspn of the korean chili paste, and it already super spicy. It was delicious though~! HIKHIK. Hope you all could try it, since its simply delicious! Any questions about the recipe, or where the exact place to find the ingredients, you can leave a comment. :) I'll reply ASAP. Haha.
Fuhh, hope that help. LOL, no one asked for it. I just want to share <3
I just want to remind my self and people that are already bored on holidays. Plan to make something~! Anything. Just to make a productive day. :) After planning, just try to
That's all for this post.I'll try my best to update tomorrow!
It's time for me to sleep.
Assalamualaikum and good night? Haha so messed up.
stuff about:
korean rice cake,

Tuesday, July 3, 2012
July is here. :)
I've been on a long hiatus since Mid June. Been busy with loads of things. Final's done. It was horrible. My results shows it all. Pointers dropped the H of alot! To be honest I wasn't really put my best effort on this sem's final. So, I deserve what I got. No harm done, there's still 6 semesters to go. I'll catch up on the pointers, insyaAllah.
Procrastinating, lazy, unfocused.
That's me. I have these disease. Its not that I couldn't study. My laziness level is higher than the hardworking bar. I can change. We can do anything if we put our minds to it. :) Eventhough the results is heart breaking, maybe its a SIGN that Allah has given me. Ada hikmah di sebalik semua kejadian. InsyaAllah. We all know, what we give is what we get. It shows that my effort wasn't enough. Not even barely enough.
After 2 semesters have past. Im no longer a FIRST year university student.
I should know by now, the exact way how to actually study and catch up "university style". After a year, there's ups and downs. Normal human being's life cycle. I'll be a better student, and friend. InsyaAllah. I'm only human though. We all are. Falling is hard, but getting up after a fall is twice as hard. When you're up high, there's a bigger chance for you to fall. Always remember that. Consistency is important. Yeah. That's where I lack.
Its been a WEEK since holiday started!
I only spend most of my time at home, doing chores especially. Running errands? HAHA. Well, I went out a lot too. Oh yeah. My blackberry's touchpad was no longer working. SAD. I know. So, I sent it to the hospital. I've been BBless for almost 6 days?! Wow. Hahaha. That's cool. So, any bbms and whatsapps, didn't reach me since then, LOL duhh. Anyway. Contact me through twitter, fb, or text me will do :)
This post is getting long. I'll write again soon :)
Assalamualaikum, and goodnight! <3
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