Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Entah kenapa.

Assalamualaikum dan selamat tengah malam semua!
Entah kenapa bila masa dah lewat, mata dah pedih mengantuk, masa tu la terpikir nak update blog ni. Pelik bukan? Tapi biasa lah tu, semua blogger pun sama je rasanya, waktu-waktu yang tak sepatutnya la idea nak mencurah-curah, ye dak? YE KE TIDAAK!? Jawab la. Haha. Okay melampau. *type sambil terbatuk2 ni* Tadi senyap je batuk ni, masa nak update belog ni lah dia nak muncul.

Tinggal seminggu setengah je lagi sebelum semester baru bermula. Jadual pulak keluar minggu depan. Aduyai. Kedengaran akan sibuk semester akan datang ni. Semoga dapat diredah dengan jayanya. Amin. Bila masuk sem baru, mesti ada target baru, azam baru kan? Tapi semua tu sekejap je bagi aku. Sampai midsem dah lupa azam. Terapung-apung entah ke mana. HIKHIK. Teruk kan? Sama ada start semangat dari mula, akhir hancur, atau start dari tengah, akhir okay, awal hancur. Semangat tak berterusan langsung. HEH. Kalau dah macam tu, terpaksalah kena buat reminder hari2. Kalau tu pun tak jalan. Haha. Duduk rumah cuci pinggan je la Aine oiih. Huhu. Nampaknya banyak yang perlu diperbaiki. Hmmm.

Sesama la kita berusaha ye. InsyaAllah. BOLEH! *Adik-adikku! InsyaAllah boleh!* HAHA Sempat lagi. Oh, dah mengantuk tahap maksima dah ni.
Ini comel gila okay. :3
Selamat tidur.

Assalamualaikum dan senyum selalu!❤
p/s: penutupan secara tiba2 kerana mengantuk yang amat
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


26th August 2012
My houzeee.

Assalamualaikum and hello! So as I stated on previous post, I invited my friends to my open house for HARI RAYA. Surprisingly, many of my friend came. Haha, to be exact my friends was the most part of the guests that came. Anyways, it was fun to meet up with old school friends, some that I have been lost contact. Sorry to those that I barely remember your names. It's been years! And my memories just suck. HIHI. The theme of the food is basely on SOUP. So there were Nasi Ayam, mee hoon and kuey teow to eat with the soup, Sup Ayam/ Sup Tulang! There's some more other food that my parents cook, and of course, KUIH RAYAA! :)

Anyways! I would like to thank each and everyone of you who came to ze openhouze last sunday. Those who couldn't make it, there's always next time, insyaAllah. :)

TAKE 1! LOL, I didn't notice there's BIGBANG's T.O.P in this picture. Cc: Hadi

Take 2~! WAWAN Juling. 

TAKE 3! CANDID! Haha Oppa Gangnam Style. Also, a creeper spotted. -..-
Only pictures that are taken. Sorry for those who didn't manage to be captured. HAHA. These were taken by ze BROTHER. Thank you, abang. I hope after this I'll be updating my blog more often. InsyaAllah. Me iz done typing! Assalamualaikum and have a great Raya everyone! :)
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

Assalamualaikum. :D
Dah 3 Syawal 1433h. Tak pernah nak tahu nak update blog ni dengan apa.
Ni gambar raya pertama.

Okay, sepatutnya tema tahun ni warna oren,
Tapi ada masalah sikit so ramai2 pakai baju time wedding abang. HAHA.

Raya pertama bangun, terus pergi sembahyang raya. Balik salam-salam semua. Pastu terus gerak pergi rumah Along kat Rawang. Makan bergedil yang first class punya kesedapan. Dah beraya kat rumah Along, balik rumah rehat2 kejap. Baru tukar baju oren pastu balik Melakaa! Sampai gi beraya umah Mektam. LONTONGG! Sedaaap. Jalan depan sikit dah rumah baru Achik ! Ada nasi minyaaak. HUUU. Dah salam, makan, semua. Gerak gi rumah Mak long kat Batu Berendam pulak. Uhh wajib pergi umah maklong sebab kuey teow dan mee goreng wajib di makan time RAYA. :D Satu hari melantak je kerja.

Visit semua dalam satu hari je. Sebab mama kerja. HUHU. Kemudian baru start raya balik. HEHE. Takyah risau la kan, ada satu bulan raya lagi pun.

Oh. Pengumuman.

26 August 2012 / 8 Syawal 1433 
Rumah Terbuka kami! :)

Siapa yang sudi datanglah, contact saya ye untuk alamat~

Selamat hari raya aidilfitri, Maaf zahir dan batin! Semoga menyambut hari raya tahun ini dengan meriah disamping keluarga tersayang ♥ Assalamualaikum semua!
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Poor abandoned blog.

HELLLOOWWW! Salam Ramadhan alls!

Yeahh, I've been away for so many weeks. It's just that, wether I'm busy, or I just don't have the mood to update. Like seriously, its not like I've forgotten about you dear blog, I just don't have the IDEA to update on. SO yeah. Since I've started typing right now. I'll do a proper update after so long. :)

So how's your ramadhan lately dear readers? It's started to be the last 10 days! Go and find that night that worth 1k of nights. Wooo, that's cool right? That Allah is giving us the opportunity to do good, supplies for the hereafter. Don't waste your ramadhan. It's a training session!

Okay, so what I've been doing away from the blog?

Hahaha, I do nothing much though seriously, I just stay at home and do chores and stuff. Well some of the chores. HEHE. Uh uh. I've baked lasagna twice! It turned out nicely done. :) Yesterday made honey cornflakes. It was easy peaasyy. Well I only do a lil of it, the sister do most of the cookie. Haha. Aidilfitri is coming huh? Not much done preparing though. There's still time. No worries.

PAINTING! Yeah, I've been abandoned that too, haha but! BUT! I've coloured in the upper half of it. JYEEAHH. :) I will try to finish it before 3rd Semester starts ! WWOOO

My BB is back from the deaaad. Its great to have it back, but all my contacts GONE! Have to find those numbers and bbpins again. Haih. It really feels like a NEW phone haha. Oh well, please contact me those who have my number, if you want to la. Tak paksa pung. LOL

Oh yeahh. Its August already. Time really flies huh? Anyways.

Till next update! Bye lovieess

time flies, things happened, people changes, always to remind myself those I've hurt, 
never be that person again, please remember Aine.

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