Wow, I don't know what to say. HAHA
So, its been a year since I've further my studies in Master of Science in Mechatronics. So far, I'm still in between dead and alive hahaha. On my 3rd semester now. Everything just flies so fast. Yaass. But I'm surviving. Need to finish everything soon. So wish me luck! May Allah ease everything.
I will start to update this blog regularly. *A way to procrastinate on my research* LOL
So, wazzaaaapp?
There's so many things happened in 2016, but I couldn't recall. Padan muka. Sape suh tak update blog. HAHA. The only reason I write because I easily forget events or moments. Teruk kan? Nyanyuk tahap apa tah.
Let's just recall what I've gone through this year! HAHA
2016, ramai orang kahwin. Fullstop. *i'm actually looking at my Instagram pictures to recall my memories*
I started my MSc at the end of last year, after I got back from my holiday in The UK. What is my progress? Its going good I guess? Hahaha. But I've experienced my first conference presentation ever. The best part was, the food HAHA. It was held at Hatten Hotel, so breakfast, lunch and dinner in three days makan mewah la. Hihi. Due to this matter, we can conclude that I've been loving food so much, and I've gained too much weight now.
I've been travelling ALOT in 2016!
SABAH AGAIN! Yess. In february this year, I went to Sabah again, with RO. I have uploaded a vlog in YOUTUBE. It's my first videography, so lighting tah pape. HAHA. Forgive me. You can watch it hereeeeeee
*ada kenduri kahwin x3*
In May, I went to LANGKAWI, just a weekend getaway with the fam, but it was FUN! It reminds me of my childhood because we went to the Underwater World, Langkawi. Bought so many chocolates too for my Labmates haha. Kirim mengunung coklat.
*ada kenduri kahwin lagi*
In July~ Hari Raya Aidilfitri, macam biasa sambut Hari Raya macam manusia biasa. *makan terlebih2* nah belanja gambar raya seketul.
Augustt! Heee. Travel lagi, this time I went to Medan, Indonesia. Fly across there to attend my second cousin's wedding. *kenduri kahwin lagi* Yeap, berdarah jawa, muka pun jawa buk, nggak apa apa sih. Haha. It was fun to reunite with my cousins. The last time we met when I was in Primary School. That's a long long longgggg time ago. HAHA. It was weird at first since we were talking in quite a different language eventhough it's quite similar but some terms are completely different and it's funny when me and my cousin tried our best to search for the word that we both understand what we meant HAHA. Language is not a barrier guys, you can learn very quickly. Or do signage je. HAHA senang.
It was lucky for me to experience the wedding ceremony in Indonesia. Well, actually there's not much of a different because Medan is more Melayu than Jawa, so the wedding is kinda similar to Traditional Malay wedding. Only the Akad Nikah part is a bit long and full of contents. I guess its because they don't have to take Pre-Marriage Course (Kursus Pra-Perkahwinan) so the Tok Kadi was giving a full on lecture before the Akad.
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The bride and groom! |
Medan has grown a lot since we went last time *according to my parents since I don't remember anything* lol the best part of this trip was.. THE FOOD.. of course. HAHA. Makan je kerja aku, pastu sedih orang asyik tegur gemuk. Nasi padang was awesome! Nasi padang is a meal when you go to the restaurant, they will give you each plate of nasi, and they will serve you every dish that is available in the restaurant. So your table will be full of different dishes, sambal, ikan, ayam penyet, telur, sayur, macam2 jenis lauk diorang akan hidang atas meja tu. So, you just eat the ones that you like, and you will just pay for the plates of dishes that you ate! Its amaaazing! *eye sparkles*
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Nasi padang :3 Sedapnya. Rindu nasi. |
After got back from Medan,
26 August 2016, Auni Nathasiyyah is born ! My newest niece! She's so cute, but sepet like her mom haha. She was so small when she were born! But now, haha she's so chubby and cuter and I even call her bebola Auni. Haha.
Before |
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After. Bos besar ni. HAHA kemain kau. *curi gambar dari ibu dia* |
Hahaha so right now, I have five nieces! Five! I call them WONDER GIRLS. Eyy, geram betul tengok budak ni laaa. Haha.
Ehem. Travel lagi. Hehehehe. This timeee..
KRABI! Yassss. Negara jiran semua aku jajah tahun ni HAHAHA.
Alamak panjang sangat la pulak kalau nak cerita pasal Krabi. I will do one post just for Krabi~ Haha. Boleh la orang yang teringin nak pergi tgk tentatif dan aktiviti apa menarik kat sana ye tak? Ye. Tanya jawab sendiri. Bagus.
So, the last highlight for this year is that my sister and her family that studied in UK for PhD is back here in Malaysia! They're back for good. Heee. It was so exciting to see my niece again! She is adapting Malaysia very very well! Im so proud of her. :) Haha and of course, I was excited for my things that I ordered from my sis. LOL materialistic kan? Hehe. The time when the container van comes, it was so exciting to open the things that I bought. HAHA. Macam bukak hadiah untuk diri sendiri. Siapa tak suka hadiah kann? Hihi.
Haha wow, didn't expect it'll be this long. So yeah, that's my year. A great one. Alhamdulillah. Banyak rezeki dapat travel sana sini. Alhamdulillah. Kadang2 kita tak perasan bila benda dah lepas kan, bila tulis macam ni tersedar, dan rasa bersyukur sangat, macam-macam Allah bagi dalam masa setahun ni. Alhamdulillah.
I will be back blogging from now on, insyaAllah. Semoga tetap pendirian ni haha. Aamin.
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