it was a very tiring day.. well more tiring cos lil miss irynna likes to walk
lol it was FUN anyway..
and i really need walk.. haha its been awhile since i walk this MUCH haha
anyway! lets start talking about today~
planned yesterday that we are going to Mid Valley at 10:00am
but! since i had BBQ last nyte *it was a DELISHIOUS nyte~ :P
i was SOOO tired and i woke up late today
planned 10:00am arrive Mid, but i woke up at 10:00 =.= *sorry people~ :S
so i arrive at mid with nabihah tagging along, meet up with Maira and Anis
poor them, they arrive mid at exactly 10:00am so punctual huh? lols
*korang da experience pegi mid ngan naek KTM tade orang sebab aine.. okay la tu =P hehe
the benefit is..they managed to buy New Moon tickets
i didnt join them tho.. since i've watched earlier
then, we don't really know what to do
thr we went to The Gardens for awhile to look around haha
yeah mid is getting Boring lol
we took pictures and all and go back to Mid
Nabihah was fully excited to go MPH
to buy some books cause its been awhile since she bought them
haha quite awhile for Nabihah to pick a book
after that, Irynna's finally arrive
then Rus pulak sampai
she was sooo LATE!! ahahaha XD
after Rus arrive, they all going to movies already
Irynn and me... went for Breakfast/Lunch at the food court
since i havent had anything since morning
after eating went to meet Farna~~its been awhile!
she's working.. -Metrojaya worker~ *gaji tinggi kot! blanja me later farna!
then we WALK WALK and walk
around Gardens and MidValley to buy survey prom dresses
it was FUN, but now i realise that,
i cant wear LONG prom dress! *its too LONG for me
yeah.. if u all didnt know im SHORT sobs
so, might be wearing short dress then..
we take take pictures of the dresses that caught our eyes...
then after finished surveying, went to Rock Corner to see my Miura Haruma!
i wanted to buy gokusen graduation day movie, but i had second thots...
so didnt buy Gokusen or Catch a Wave which Haruma's in it
but! i bought Stickers!~ from Action City its a cartoon clear stickers! so CUTE!
then bought another 3 sticker cards from Teddy Tales~
yeah.. all i bought today was Stickers~
but im happy with it~! weeee *aine adore Stickers!
then we meet up with others wen they finished their movies
go Farna's workplace.. she looks so bored there lol
anyway.. after that go walk around Mid Valley again
and lastly we went for Purikura!
it was fun..Rus was late again *lembab la u haha kidding~
Purikura as always its very FUN
poor Nabihah her face got blocked by others~
the machine was SMAALL and there was 6People in it!
then after finished hyped up and all
time to go home
went home with Irynn otw to the parking lot
we came across a word RIBS and the conv goes like this:
me: Ribs only used for Pig's rytee...
irynn: No.. can use for beef also
me: Pigs ony laa
irynn: Beef also laaaaa
me: ouhhh does chicken have ribs?
irynn: .... *stare
me: they have ryte?
irynn: .....*stare
me: they don't?
irynn: ... of course la they have ribs! how chicken will look like without their ribs!
me: *act how chicken moves without it ribs ; "zombie-like"
we laughs
irynn: chicken without ribs will look like they have extra breast
we all laughs
me: so, chickens without ribs are CHICKEN ZOMBIES!
*cos chickens will walk like zombies without its RIBS
::nabihah was around but she didn't say anything but laughed::
so we walk walk to the parking lot.. and arrive at irynn's
my mum pick me up there then me and nabihah went home
i bathe and eat spagetti and wrote this~
so that's almost everything that i do today~haha XD
this is a VERY long POST!!
till next post!
byeeeeeeeee ♥
p/s: bbq nyte picture and today's will be upload in Facebook
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