as u can see from this collage on the left~
there's bagpipe people!
yeah! my sis' wedding at the groom's side
used bagpipe marching band
instead of using KOMPANG!
and they actually played those wedding song!
woots! my first time seeing MAN in SKIRT!
i didn't have to go Scotland to see them!
cos my sis BROUGHT them here! haha *not literally!
the bagpipe does sounded the same like in those movies!
haha sounded like a duck's QUACK but an asthma duck XD
wat a weird example huh? but anyways!
it is realllyyy LOUD .. kinda annoying.. but fun to hear :D
the wedding was kinda fun~ :) *the bagpipe was the best part
but their catering is not very nice
and yes ive post about this twice haha


SPLITTING image! hahaha XD

yeap.. my lil sis got a STRIKE! and i only got SPAREs
haha its jus her LUCK hahaha! XD
evil sister! muahaha :D

bowling POSE! wooots!
haha my dad's and bro's
my bro... pose 10/10 but the bowling ball ended up in the longkang! XD

so ill be posting REUNION pics NEXT!
till next post!
bowling is FUN~~
byeeeee ♥
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