dang blogger ate this post the other daay and i am going to rePOST..
rajin tak rajin tak saya? :P heee
oh by the way, da tuka BGmusic! found that song when i was looking through matluthfi's vids
oh oh will do a post of my FAVOURITE VLOGGER on NEXT! stay tuned!
so! on this post, i wrote about.. what i've been doing and i was in Melaka staying with my sister
giving a helping hand, membuat semak dan memyemak di rumah kak Atie tu :P
gembira tgk BABY ATHIRAH.. COMEL TO THE MAX *sudden change of language LOL
gamba gamba gamba! :D

alololo comeeeeei :DDD
so! when it was Farna's Birthday which is exactly 10 days before today -.-
don't blame me! blogger MUNCH the post off when i post it on 12th of May
i'll just type it again SHORTLY! here goes
farna and rus visit my place-rus wanted to meet baby athirah-rus run off to meet the BF-
went out to midvalley with farna and mahirah-lunch at sushi king-
watch an awesome movie, WORLD INVASION? was it? forgotten-
sent farna home and mahirah next- i got home, end
picture picture!

Melaka adventure will be post on different post, cause this post will be SUPER long =.=
assalamualaikum! till next post :D
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