it was an awesome outing, well not for the guys, Lahh even tweeted it was BORING!
sorry korang, lambat sangat sampai, then dah tak sempat for anything.
its okay. Will plan out a better one next time, but must be PUNCTUAL laaaah :P
so! it was a LONG JOURNEY for me! omagah, i dun mind though i love them.
first! i woken up by a call from my Mama, telling me that her office pass is at home, she left it.
then talked about chores and stuff, she asked me to go and send the pass to her office before i go out.
so there i go, to Angkasapuri at around 10am, after that
Rus first, Irynna, Anis and lastly Siti... tadaaa the CAR NOW IS FULL! XD
so then! till reach the Subang Jaya Toll, there was major traffic jam, then we reaached the destination!
got in Sunway with a STARVING tummy, went to GASOLINE and ate!
after we finished eating, *magical sounds* SHAFEEQA and SHAKEERA arrived! :D,
walk around, and walk againnn.. Lahh and Ariff joined~
they were seem to be very BORED of the outing, soorry guys.
nothing much were DONE, went home with LOTS OF PICCTUREEE!
now, u know what we've been doing in SUNWAY PYRAMID!
till next post~
Byeeeee :D
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